Moving Forward in Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Flurpiridaz vs. The Field

Moving Forward in Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Flurpiridaz vs. The Field

Thesis SectionCriteria
  • Topic is appropriate for the scope of the ASRT Journal.
  • Thesis validates the body of knowledge.
  • Thesis adds to the body of knowledge.
  • Thesis builds on prior research.
  • The title clearly states the purpose of the thesis.
Introduction and Background
  • Presents relevant background material.
  • Provides context and explains as if reader does not understand specificcontent area.
  • Presents relevance to practice.
Statement of the Problem
  • States the problem or need.
  • Support statement of the problem with sources.
Significance of the Problem
  • Clearly states the significance and backs it up with sources.
  • Explains why the problem needs to be addressed.
Purpose of the Study
  • Clearly describes the purpose of the thesis.
  • State what will be accomplished by completing this study.
Research Questions
  • Research questions are presented.
Limitations and Delimitations
  • Describes the shortcomings or influences that cannot be controlled bythe researcher (Limitations).
  • Describes the boundaries that are set by the researcher in order tocontrol the range of the study (Delimitations).
  • Summarizes introduction section and restates the problem and purposeof the thesis.
Review of Literature
  • Provides definition of terms.
  • Introduces the areas/topics that were explored in the review ofliterature.
  • Introduces the themes and subtopics that relate to the research problem.
  • Incorporates previously published work to address key points of themanuscript.
  • Provides historical perspective of the topic.
  • Includes key aspects of the topic.
  • Discusses specific literature to provide background on what studieshave already been done on the topic, what results were found, etc.
  • Is organized into Subtopics/themes
  • Summarizes the themes and results found from previous literature.
  • States assumptions.
Methods and Procedures
  • Restates the purpose of the study and aim of the research.
  • States the study methodology that will be used and why it is the most appropriate approach.
  • Discusses permissions that will be needed prior to beginning data collection (IRB).
  • Discusses consent and how it will be obtained from participants.
  • Describes how each research question will be addressed in detail.
  • Includes level of detail required to replicate study.
Population and Participants
  • Describes in detail the population of interest.
  • Describes the specific participants that will be recruited for and included in this study.
  • Provides justification for the population chosen and recruitment procedures.
  • Includes rationale for inclusion and exclusion criteria.
  • Discuss what methods will be used to collect data.
  • Describes in detail what instruments will be used to gather data (provide instruments as figures or tables in the appendix section).
  • Discusses literature search strategies including databases and MeSH terms.
Data Collection
  • Describes the step-by-step process the researcher will go through to collect the data.
Data Analysis Plan
  • Specifically state what statistical tests will be used to answer each research question.
  • Describe how the data will be organized into variables for data analysis.
Validity and Reliability
  • Explanation of how will you ensure that your content is valid and reliable.
References and Appendices
  • Minimum of 10 references required.
  • All references in the reference section must be discussed in the thesis.
  • References are timely (must be within 10 years) or historically significant.
  • Appropriately support the material presented.
  • References are correctly cited in both the text and reference list.
  • Includes figures and tables of sufficient quality.
  • Includes a sufficient number of figures and illustrations.
Page Requirements, Style, Grammar/Spelling, Format
  • Minimum of 10 pages of content (not including the title page, reference page(s) or appendices.
  • Uses appropriate and current terminology.
  • Uses appropriate headings.
  • Free of redundancy.
  • Follows APA 7th Edition formatting.

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