Novel The Children’s Blizzard by Melanie Benjamin

Novel ” The Children’s Blizzard ” by Melanie Benjamin



When you read the novel, what stood out to you, amused you, frightened you, struck you in some way? Was it a theme, a connection to something else you’ve seen/read/experienced?

Specific instructions are
  • This will be a 6-9 page research paper
  • No title page
  • Don’t mess with the margins or do any funny formatting to artificially lengthen the paper
  • Use MLA documentation style or APA, but be consistent.
  • Make several points about your area or areas of focus (immigration, American dream, tragedy, grief, teaching, etc.)
  • At least 6 full pages (not including works cited page)
  • Mention the title of the novel and the author in your introduction
  • Quote mainly from the novel. Use evidence (3 or more quotes) from your primary source (Children’s Blizzard) in every body paragraph. Put page numbers after each quote.
  • Never start or end a paragraph with a quote
  • Personal experience is welcome if it relates to your focus
  • Quote at least once from each of your three separate sources, no sources from the general internet. Use library databases (EBSCO, Proquest, SIRS), and your sources must have an author’s name (no Proquest Staff, organizations, etc.)
  • Feel free to use subheadings to help your reader follow your argument—areas of focus.
  • Use any story, poem, play that we covered this semester that relates to your focus
  • Use your voice. Research papers can be stuffy. Please be yourself.
  • There will be two separate grades: grammar/mechanics and content.
  • Credit all sources: avoid plagiarism

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