Please use the attached Timeline & Outline Project Plan with ROL Template to complete this assignment.
Please use the attached Timeline & Outline Project Plan with ROL Template to complete this assignment.
Please make sure to use 6-7 Articles within the last 5 years to complete the assignment. Articles must target Home-Based Patients
VERY IMPORTANT: THE NEW PICOT: Please note that the PICOT has changed DO NOT USE the one in the attached paper. Please use the following NEW PICOT:
• NEW PICOT Question: Among patients requiring health care visits (P) how does use of the “Ask Suicide Screening Question” toolkit (I) as compared to not using the “Ask Suicide Screening Question” toolkit (C) affect self-harm behavior and suicide (O) within 3 months of the visit (T)?
*Please note that a draft form of this assignment for faculty feedback prior to final assignment submission is required for this course.*
In week 13, your timeline and outline of your project will be due. At this point, you have been working with your faculty advisor to gather ideas and work through the specifics of your project. The purpose of this assignment is to explain your ideas to ensure you are on the right track before starting on the Timeline and Outline.
1. Include your PICO(T) question. State the issue and explain why this issue is of interest. Include background information showing the need for this project.
2. Show at least some of your review of the literature (ROL) so we can get an idea of how you are synthesizing the information. The more you have the better. You should have some information from your matrix assignment in 816 that you can use here.
3. Next, briefly explain what your project is. Include where you plan to conduct your project, who you plan to collaborate with for your project (who the key participants will be to ensure the success of your project), and approximately how long your project will last. Also include sampling information, any intervention that you propose as well as the design you will be using.
4. Last, discuss what tools you plan to use for your project. If you will be using a survey to measure the results, you will need to include the name of the survey and identify the creator. If you plan on using an established teaching tool as your intervention, again you will need to identify the originator of that tool. Any established tools will need permission to use before you initiate your intervention
5. Begin to think about the budget that you will need to carry out this project.
6. These are not all the details- if you want more details- review the rubric for the document and see the template below.
7. The Review of Literature MUST be 2 Pages.
8. State why the model and design were chosen.
9. Explain the Data Analysis Software used.
10. Project requires 6-7 Articles within the last 5 years. Must target Home-Based Patients
My PICOT Question
• PICOT Question: Among patients requiring health care visits (P) how does use of the “Ask Suicide Screening Question” toolkit (I) as compared to not using the “Ask Suicide Screening Question” toolkit (C) affect self-harm behavior and suicide (O) within 3 months of the visit (T)?