policy summary and performance measurement ( Los Angeles police department
policy summary and performance measurement ( Los Angeles police department)
Group project worksheets – however, please edit and revise per my comments on the previous worksheets. As is demonstrated in the example, this is a conceptual exercise and does not require specific costs or measurements – that would take months if not years to properly report and analyze – rather, this is a conceptual overview of a policy alternative and related performance measurement items.
4. The example is an exemplar of what is expected for your group Policy Summary and Performance Measurement Worksheet assignment, format and substance. Pay special attention to the level of detail and directness (succinctness) in the example responses. Read the worksheet questions carefully and communicate among your group members using the Group Homepage features. How each group distributes the assignment tasks is up to each group individually and should be done fairly. Please be respectful with all group members and use each others’ strengths to produce the best possible product.
5. Complete your assignment by typing each worksheet question response within the Policy Summary and Performance Measurement Worksheet document itself and save as a new Microsoft Word document titled with the course information, your group number, and assignment name only (example file name: PA 460 Group 2 Policy Summary and Performance Measurement Worksheet).