Qualitative Research in Nursing
Qualitative Research in Nursing
Using feedback from the previous Research Proposal Titled The Impact Diverse Skill Mix of Teams have on the Quality of Care in Long-Term Elderly Health Care”, undertake two interviews, conduct a thematic analysis, and report your findings via a Pecha Kucha presentation. To complete this assessment, you will need to undertake the following tasks.
Recruit two friends, colleagues, or family members to be interviewed by you to address the research question (so be sure the participants can respond to the question or topic area). Patients/clients are not to be recruited.
Transcribe these interviews verbatim (i.e., exactly as spoken in the interview). Keep interviews short, as transcribing is time-consuming (a rule of thumb is 1 hour of interview = 10 hours of transcription, so a 15-minute interview = 2.5 hours of transcription).
Thematically analyse and synthesise the interview data to address your research question identified in the Research Proposal. Create a mind map, spreadsheet or Word document to demonstrate your analysis.
Using a PechaKucha PowerPoint format [6 minutes 40 seconds] report your findings and discuss how these findings address the problem or issue(s) and answer your research question. Present this as though you were presenting the findings at a research conference.
PLEASE NOTE: I require the writer to formulate the PechaKucha Powerpoint and write a script for each slide narration. I will record the oral narration myself.