Article Critique Worksheet

Student Name

Keiser University





Article Critique Worksheet

1) Discuss the Introduction and Literature Review sections:

a. What is the topic of the article?





b. What was the research question(s)/statement of the purpose?





c. What were the hypotheses?





d. What empirical information did the authors include in the background section that helped guide the development of research question(s) and hypotheses of the study?





e. What is the importance of this study? In other words, what “gap” in the literature does this study attempt to address?





2) Discuss the MethodS section:

a. Characteristics of the participants – who were they, how many, and demographic characteristics such as age, gender, ethnicity.





b. What materials did they use to conduct the study/measure their variables? Be specific.





c. What was the procedure involved in collecting the data (e.g., what did the participants have to do?). Be specific.





d. What were the plans for statistical analyses? Be specific.





3) Discuss the Results:

a. What were the primary findings of the study?





b. Did the findings support the research questionn/hypotheses? Explain.





c. What are the implications of the findings? (how can we relate it to the “big picture”?)





4) Discuss your critical analysis of the research:

a. What were the limitations/problems addressed by the authors?





b. What limitations can you find that may not have been mentioned by the authors?





c. What are the strengths of the study?






d. What could be done differently to improve the study/research article? Be specific and explain what limitation these suggestions would address and how.





e. Are the results generalizable? Why or why not? (Remember that generalizability relates to the ability to apply the findings to others that did not participate in the research)







Include a reference for the article in APA style

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