Should we realistically expect solutions to complex world problems from teens and twenty-something rappers and musician of today?
Paper will be submitted via Turnitin on Moodle.
12 page minimum; no maximum
Essay Topics:
Should we realistically expect solutions to complex world problems from teens and twenty-something rappers and musician of today?
Essay Criteria:
Quality of Writing/Length
Topics need examples and/or thorough explanations; proofed and edited by YOU Clarity of Subject-(Is It Understandable?)
Intent of Paper-
(Preparation; Integrity; Plagiarized or Not? Inspired thought or Uninspired?)
1. Writing must be focused on chosen topic and based on facts, not personal
2. The “cut and paste” effect will have a negative impact on the final score of the essay.
(Abstract your “wiki” research into a unique statement; it’s not that difficult to do; and it reinforces the material)
3. Spelling, Run- On sentences, Grammar, Proofing
(Strive for quality of thought and write in complete sentences; run spell check and grammar check, take pride in your writing)
Chicago Style formatting is suggested.
About writing the paper:
Be careful to avoid colloquial English. Use an academic or scientific writing style. Colloquial means ‘casual or slang language’ For example. don’t say: “I think that…” say “research has shown that…” and then add your citation. Don’t say “let’s begin with…”. Read a couple of academic papers to get the feel of what’s required. You don’t have to follow the format of an academic paper just write about the subject (that relates to CBUM) and offer some insights and show that you have researched it. Minimum 3000 words (never mind the number of page numbers that are mentioned in the Formatting Guidelines – less than 3000 words will cost you marks. More than 3200 will also cost you – this is different from what the guidelines say!
Note that in Chicago Style the last name of the author comes first then a comma and the first name. You can always find an author – everything was written by a person, and they should be acknowledged. Here is an example: Anderson, Leon. 1999. “The open road to ethnology’s future.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnology 451-59.
Times New Roman font – double-spaced. 3000 words to 3200 words, Indent paragraphs. DO use paragraphs – a page-long paragraph is difficult to read. This is just good writing practice.
Use good grammar. If the grammar is weak your mark will be weak. I strongly suggest that you use Grammarly or the grammar check in Word to check your writing.