Soap Note # Main Diagnosis: Z00.01-Annual Wellness Check up

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Soap Note # Main Diagnosis: Z00.01-Annual Wellness Check up




Name S.N.


Age: 55 yrs


Gender at Birth: Male Gender Identity: Male Source: Patient

Allergies: Denies food, environmental, or drug allergy


Current Medications: Denies use of medications. Takes no herbal medicines or supplement medications.

PMH: He has no history of hospitalizations. Denies chronic illnesses such as cancer, HTN, psychiatric diseases, asthma, or diabetes.

Immunizations: COVID 19 vaccine on 10/12/2021. He received the influenza vaccine on 5/2021. Tdap booster was given in 2010. He received all childhood immunizations but was unable to recall the exact dates.

Preventive Care: RBS done on 20/3/2021. B.P. measurements taken on 20/3/2021


Surgical History: No history of recent or previous surgeries.



Family History: Raised by biological parents. His mother is 78years and has HTN and diabetes. Father is 85 years with no chronic illness. His maternal grandfather died at 80 years and had a history of BPH and HTN.

Social History: He is a small-scale farmer. Married to one wife.Has three children. He neither smokes nor drinks.

Sexual Orientation: He has one wife, and he is heterosexual


Nutrition History: He takes a balanced diet. He avoids fat-rich diets and processed foods. He takes a fruit every day in the morning. He drinks seven glasses of water every day. He does not drink sweetened drinks or coffee.



Subjective Data:


Chief Complaint: “I am feeling great, but I am here for my annual check-up.”


Symptom analysis/HPI: The patient’s last annual check-up was in May 2021. The patient reports the absence of any abnormal laboratory or physical findings during that check-up. His previous eye examination was on October 2021. His last dental review was in November 2021. Colonoscopy and PSA test were done in January 2018. His previous B.P. screening, Blood Sugar Screening were done in March 2021. Lip profile tests were done in January 2017. There were no other current concerns or complaints by the patient.

Review of Systems (ROS


CONSTITUTIONAL: No fatigue, chills, general body weakness, night sweats, or fever RESPIRATORY: No dyspnea, wheezing, chest pains, or cough GASTROINTESTINAL: No nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, or diarrhea



NEUROLOGIC: No numbness, loss of consciousness, tingling, or confusion


HEENTH: no dizziness, headache, or confusion. Eyes: no itching, pain, diplopia, or blurry vision Ears: no pain, hearing loss, tingling sensation, or discharges Nose: No bleeding, itching, or discharge o Throat: no sore throat, edema, or voice changes

CARDIOVASCULAR: no chest pains, palpitations,dizzness or edema GENITOURINARY: no dysuria, discharge, urinary urgency, or hematuria MUSCULOSKELETAL: no muscle pains, joint swelling, joint pain, or muscle spasms SKIN: no hives, skin rashes, or hyperpigmentation



Objective Data:


VITAL SIGNS: BP-110/90 mmHg, RR 19, Pulse rate 70b/min . SPo2 is 100%. Height-180cm, Weight-63kg, computed BMI-22.5

GENERAL APPEARANCE: A white male, seated, alert and well-nourished, with no signs of respiratory distress. There is no pallor, jaundice, cyanosis, dehydration, edema, or lymphadenopathy.

NEUROLOGICAL: Normal speechA& O x3, typical gait, no tremors, normal speech, no cerebellar S/S, or motor-sensory loss.

RESPIRATORY: Chest wall is symmetrical, rises following respiration, no visible masses or scars, no tenderness, percussion note is tympanic, bilateral entry of air, breath sounds were normal following auscultation.



CARDIOVASCULAR: Normoactive precordium, palpable apical pulse mid-clavicular line at the 5th ICS, regular H.R., no thrills, no heaves, On auscultation, there were no murmurs, and S1 and S2 were heard.

GASTROINTESTINAL: Flat abdomen, umbilicus everted, moving with respiration, no masses, no tenderness or organomegaly; warm. Normoactive bowel sounds were heard. INTEGUMENTARY: Dark, warm, and dry. No rashes, abrasions, lesions, or hives HEENT: H: Normocephalic, no scars, masses, or bruises . E: Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light, with no discharges. E: no ear discharges or impacted wax N: Symmetrical, patent nasal nares, no discharge or bleeding.

Neck: No distended veins or lymphadenopathy and supple


MUSCULOSKELETAL: No abnormalities, normal gait, normal reflexes, no deformities, and normal ROM.



55-year-old S.N. came to our clinical for his annual check-up. There are no current complaints. His last yearly check-up showed no abnormal findings. His past check-ups were eye exam, dental exam, Prostate screening, colonoscopy, lipid profile check-up, and B.P. and B.S. screenings mother has hypertension and diabetes. His maternal grandfather had a history of hypertension and BPH. On general and physical examination, there were no abnormal findings noted.

Main Diagnosis


-1. ICD Z00.00- Annual checkup with no abnormal findings.



CDC recommends the performance of routine check-ups annually and lab testing to aid in identifying any health disorders to facilitate early medications and management (CDC,2020).

The patient requires his annual check-up this year.


Preventative Service Task Recommended Screenings:


2. PSA screening-ICD 10 –CM Z12.5. This is essential for screening for malignant cancers of the prostate.PSA screening is vital in all men above 50 years because of the risk of developing prostate cancer (Catalona,2018). The patient is at risk of prostate cancer or BPH because of his old age and a positive family history of BPH.

3. Update for immunization-ICD-10-CM-Z23-which is the encounter for immunization.CDC recommends that every adult be given a single dose of Tdap and then Td or a booster for Tdap after ten years (Hibberd,2020). Mr. SN has his immunization updated apart from Tdap.

4. Colonoscopy- ICD 10 -CM Z12.11, which is for encounter for screening for the malignant cancers of the colon. Colonoscopy is a requirement for individuals above 50 years as it will help in the early diagnosis of benign or malignant lesions in the rectum or the colon (Saito et al.,2021).

5. Blood Pressure screening-ICD 10-CM Z01.30 is the encounter for assessing blood pressure with no abnormal findings. B.P. should be regularly checked in adults above 50 years (Carey et al.,2018). This patient is at risk of developing HTN because of the positive family of HTN.

6. Blood Sugar Screening- ICD 10-CM R73.09, the code for the HBa1c blood test. This will help rule out diabetes mellitus and is a requirement for people above 45 years. The patient is at risk of developing D.M. because of the positive family history.



7. Lipid profile Check-ICD 10-CM Z13.220 in assessing lipid metabolism errors, the cholesterol and lipid-protein levels in the blood (Vijan & Elmore, 2020). CDC recommends that adults above 20 years have cholesterol check-ups every five years (CDC,2020).







-CBC- To investigate the white blood cell differentials, RBC, and platelet


-Urinalysis-To assess any abnormalities in the urine


-UECs-To assess the electrolytes


-Lipid tests-Helps in the assessment of the levels of LDL, cholesterol, T.G.s, and HDL


-ECG and ECHO- To assess the electrical activity of the heart and any heart disorders


-Renal function tests-To assess any kidney problems


-TSH-For assessment of any thyroid disorders.






1. Continue monitoring any health changes, and for any threatening health conditions, call,911


2. Have a physical exercise plan at least exercise four times a week


3. Continue with his diet and maximize taking a balanced diet, more fruits and vegetables, and drinking seven glasses of water daily.






Advise the patient to return to the hospital after one week to assess his laboratory findings. He can book an appointment or make a call in case of any health issues. His next annual check-up is to be scheduled for January 2023.





Carey, R. M., Whelton, P. K., & 2017 ACC/AHA Hypertension Guideline Writing Committee*. (2018). Prevention, detection, evaluation, and management of high blood pressure in adults: synopsis of the 2017 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Hypertension Guideline. Annals of internal medicine168(5), 351-358.

Catalona, W. J. (2018). Prostate cancer screening. Medical Clinics102(2), 199-214.

Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine recommendations. (2020). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved January 31, 2021, from


Hibberd, P. L. (2020). Tetanus-diphtheria toxoid vaccination in adults. UpToDate. Retrieved February 1, 2021, from

vaccination- in-adults


Saito, Y., Oka, S., Kawamura, T., Shimoda, R., Sekiguchi, M., Tamai, N., … & Inoue, H. (2021).


Colonoscopy screening and surveillance guidelines. Digestive Endoscopy33(4), 486-




Vijan, S., & Elmore, J. G. (2020). Screening for lipid disorders in adults. UpToDate. Waltham, MA: UpToDate

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