Special Topics in Autism Module 4

Special Topics in Autism Module 4

Before completing the assignments, please read the readings and instructional lessons for this module. Please complete these items at the beginning of the module as they are the basis for your discussions and assignments.


·       Kaiser, A., Fuller, E. A., & Heidlage, J. K. (2021). Enhanced milieu teaching. In P. A. Prelock & R. J. McCauley
(Eds.), Treatment of autism spectrum disorder: Evidence-based intervention strategies for communication
& social interactions (2nd ed., pp. 255–286). Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. (required text) Chapter 10

·       Shires, S. Y., Shih, W., & Kasari, C. (2018). Brief report: Caregiver strategy implementation—advancing
spoken communication in children who are minimally verbal. Journal of Autism and Developmental
Disorders, 48, 1228–1234.  Brief_Report_Caregiver_Strateg.PDFDownload Brief_Report_Caregiver_Strateg.PDF


Review Powerpointpecs.pptDownload pecs.ppt

Review Videos of PECS In Action Link 1: https://youtu.be/HGtZNy0PcVw


PECS – Demonstration of Phases 1, 2, and 3 Link: https://youtu.be/zTEm4EACEko


Assignment 1, Module 4 Discussion: Is PECS a feasible option to teach communication?   What are the pros and cons of using PECS?

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