TFE requirement
I have had a few questions from students about the week three requirement. Here is some more information to help you complete the TFE requirement. Make sure you attach your excel spreadsheet showing your work to your analysis. Are you familiar with the capability of excel to complete calculations in the cells? To activate the function, use the equal sign ( = ) in the cell where you want to complete the equation. When you type the equal sign in the cell, excel will calculate the answer for any equation you enter. Start with something easy: Say you have data value 10 in cell C4 and 15 in cell C5. To add the cells, you choose another cell (D6), and enter =C4+C5. Hit enter and the answer 25 shows in the cell. When you highlight the cell again, you can see the equation in the function bar at the top of the page.
You can do this with any math function [add, subtract, multiply, divide ] ( + – * / ). Excel also has advanced functions like: square root [ =sqrt( ) ] Mean [ =average( ) ]
For this problem, use formulas 8.40, 8.41, and 8.42, to build up to completing the upper and lower control limit [formula 8.43]. For the standard deviation, start at the left side of the equation and break it down into components [square root, multiply, subtraction, and divide]. Enter those in the excel cells to arrive at the final answer.
Therefore, upper and lower control limits are given by
I know the excel template for this problem is difficult to find and download, so I attached my copy of the excel template to this message. Reference: Evans, J. R., & Lindsay, W. M. (2017). Managing for quality and performance excellence (10th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage.