The National Cybersecurity Strategy

The National Cybersecurity Strategy March 2023 provides a comprehensive and coordinated plan to address the growing threats to the United States’ digital ecosystem. It aims to shift the burden of cybersecurity away from individuals, small businesses, and local governments and onto the organizations that are most capable of reducing risks for everyone. The strategy seeks to build and enhance collaboration around five pillars: defending critical infrastructure, disrupting and dismantling threat actors, shaping market forces to drive security and resilience, investing in a resilient future, and forging international partnerships to pursue shared goals. Its implementation will protect investments in rebuilding America’s infrastructure, developing clean energy, and reshoring America’s technology and manufacturing base.

For this assignment, you are required to analyze the National Cybersecurity Strategy March 2023 and write a 4-page paper, double-spaced, with a focus on one of the five pillars of the strategy.


General Review: Write a two-page general review of the National Cybersecurity Strategy March 2023.

Chosen Pillar Review: Select one of the five pillars from the strategy and write a two-page review of it.

Midterm Project due by Sunday, March 19

The assignment should be 4 pages double-spaced, excluding the title page and references page.
Use APA citation style to cite sources in the text and on the references page.

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