The Role of American Consumers in Eradicating Human Trafficking in the Supply Chain
The Role of American Consumers in Eradicating Human Trafficking in the Supply Chain
Using the graded and revised proposal, write a focused and logical argumentative essay, in which you put forth a clear position on an issue. Make sure to decide what type of position or argument you are taking and explore at least one opposing/counter viewpoint as well. There is no ‘right’ answer, but your position must be based on logic and reason as well as grounded in the research you do. Make sure to use third person point of view and consider your audience. For the annotated bibliography: At least 8-12 outside sources are required for this piece; they should be appropriately formatted in MLA and implemented in this work. You will need to have at least 3 scholarly sources. At least five of your total sources must have annotations (evaluation based). If you add two more, you will be eligible for 2 points extra credit, but the annotations must be evaluation based and in MLA format. Make sure to follow the correct MLA bibliographical and in-text citation guidelines. Remember to use the reading and sample in Modules to help you.