This assignment is intended for you to put all of your hard work this semester into a final program plan.

1.  This assignment is intended for you to put all of your hard work this semester into a final program plan.  Please take the time to revise the various components of your program (see attached document for a detailed list) based on the feedback provided during the semester.  For your final document, you will take those revised components and compile them into a full, logical, professional program plan.  As you will see in the length requirements for each section of the plan, some of your original components will need to be streamlined.


There are hundreds of sites with information on how to create and present an effective PowerPoint presentation (please review the grading rubric and helpful link).  Please pay special attention to the “6×6 rule” to avoid putting too much text on your slides.  Using too much text is a common error that many students (and faculty) make.  With this rule, you limit each of your slides to just six bullets, with only approximately six words per bullet.  The focus of any presentation should be on you, the presenter, verbally explaining/delivering the content.  The slides should not contain the full content of the presentation, rather they are simply meant to represent brief prompts for the key points of the presentation, much like an outline.


Please both both assignments in separate documents

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