This Learning Activity found in Week Three CONTENT is particularly helpful: Gods and Goddesses

Respond to the following two-part question in a minimum of 175 words (use only one post to respond to both parts):

This Learning Activity found in Week Three CONTENT is particularly helpful: Gods and Goddesses

  • Part 1: How do myths reflect and influence the way cultures view the ideals for men and women? Do they represent good ideals? Bad? What might it say about a culture if one of the genders is missing from a myth?Are gender relations and power structures in myths the same among mortals as they are among the gods? Use examples from this week’s readings for your response.
  • Part 2: Select a god or goddess from this week’s reading who you would choose as a role model for yourself or for your children. Base your selection on who you believe would be an excellent role model for women or men or both. Explain your choice.

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