Title: The Importance of Timeliness and Reliability in the Military: A Key to Success


Dandeker (2019) states that in the military, being reliable and on time are discipline symptoms. They were profoundly installed in the basic military training. Primarily, being on time among the militarians means one is reliable and responsible. Since time immemorial, in the military, being on time indicates one is responsible, and discipline and further shows concern via adhering to military regulations and rules (Jones, 2021). Thus, the two qualities, being on time and reliable, pertain to the militarians being accountable and further shows in their organization, unit, and command that they are respectful. Additionally, being reliable and on-time among militarians is a way of preventing disciplinary acts from prevailing, which would otherwise hinder one’s achievement of the set objectives and goals (Horowitz, 2021). In the military, Garrison, and the broad field, being reliable and on time are of great significance and effect. They enable militarians to be trusted and relied on in death and life situations. Therefore, while providing the essence of time and reliability in the military, Garrison, and the broad field, this essay also discusses their essence and outcome through situational examples.

The concept of Time and Reliability in the Military

As one of the moral characters, being on time should be considered a critical quality in the military. Since time immemorial, in the military setting, indicating punctuality shows that the militarians are dependable, diligent, determined, responsible, but also respectful of other individual’s time (Horowitz, 2021). A punctual soldier will allow themselves to prepare for their needs in due course. Besides, being on time shows that one in their line of professionalism is reliable and trustworthy. Besides, militarians who are punctual would arrive in time at work, addressing their professional stresses in time which the results are beneficial. Arriving at work on time remains one of the fundamental helping ones fulfill and improve their set objectives.

Generally, in any given area of professionalism, being on time is a way of showing professionalism (Wilson-Buford, 2020). The latter is evidence via included workplace values, behavioral standards, and other virtues. Besides that, one would meet set deadlines in time. When one shows up in time in their line of duty, they will meet the set deadlines in time (Dandeker, 2019). One other than accomplishing the set tasks also clears room for new tasks, which in the long run reduces stressing incidences at work. Also, being in time for militarians is a way of improving teamwork and work relationships. When one arrives in time at work, it is evident that they respect other people’s time, improving their perception of them.

On the other hand, reliable personnel in the military would be trusted to behave appropriately, work excellently or hard, and that does all that is expected of them (Tecott & Halterman, 2021). Reliability in the workplace or any other line of duty allows militarians to create room for more promotion and growth opportunities. Other than getting to work on time and preparing efficiently for the day, professionals who are reliable further completes assigned tasks in due course. They respect and meet deadlines as they have proper work plans and work through allocated hours appropriately (Horowitz, 2021). Also, they incorporate detail-oriented and take initiatives based on the needs of the organization. Remaining detailed-focused for militarians helps organizational success as they are also loyal and would support their peer effectively. In the long run, they help fulfill set objectives, keep operations effective and build the team’s unity.

Applicable Situations of being on Time and Reliable in the Military and the Garrison

  1. A personal perspective on the advantage of Timely and Reliable Qualities in Military

In my case, coming to work on time pertains to accountability that, in the long run, shows respect to my fellow soldiers, the command and unit system, and the organization. In the army, time remains an efficient trait, and that through it, soldiers are seen as individuals who at any given point will serve the set objectives based on their intelligence, skills, and strength. Being on time also creates much preparation period for the militarians. One is prepared in body and mind to attain agility and ability. Also, through their continuously acquired skills, they set a lifestyle retaining and augmenting the set skills (Sedláček & Dohnal, 2021). Also, being in time in the military and the Garrison since then has helped me be where I am expected in the line of work. Also, I learn in time what I should do and avoid errors liming objectives and skills achievement.

Being on time in the workplace has often proven I am dedicated to fulfilling my work objectives. The virtue of time has always helped militarians remain dedicated to working and accountable. Also, they would note their team or squad leaders in time. Thus when asked to work on something, they do them with no hesitation. Besides that, in the military and the Garrison, I remain punctual in any given task to prove my fellow team members can trust me. When trusted by fellow members, it is simple to push forward on improving one’s skills and help others in situations of death and life.

  1. Timely and Reliable Militarians and dealing with Domestic Terrorists and Foreign Enemies

Consecutively, soldiers are viewed as a man of the moment and only fulfilled if they remain reliable and timely in their designated tasks (Andrzejewski, 2013). Therefore when dealing with foreign enemies and domestic terrorists, militarians are expected to be timely in their firepower, leadership, maneuver, and overall protection.  Timely and reliable maneuver remains the dominant power combat in the military.  Timely maneuver in the military units and commands has always ensured militarians place their forces in time, taking advantage of their enemies. It allows militarians to operate at the most appropriate time, minimizing soldiers’ degradation and protecting set measures in due course (Tecott & Halterman, 2021). Domestic terrorism, sometimes referred to as home ground terrorism involves criminal or violent acts necessitated by individuals or groups to further their ideological objectives of natures’ such as social, religious, political, environmental, and racial.

On the other hand, timely firepower and protection also ensure that militarians conceal with friendly movement forces and hinder their enemy’s synchronization (Sedláček & Dohnal, 2021). Also, reliable and timely firepower, death prevention, and leadership among militarians when dealing with domestic terrorists and foreign enemies ensure that on the battlefield, they handle rapid weapon positioning and efficiently concentrate on lucrative enemies’ targets in due course.

In the military, in Garrison, and the broad field, timely and reliable practices have helped militarians maximize their mission performances with limited casualty levels, more so when dealing with domestic terrorists. Also, it helps militarians to protect themselves via increased combat power effectively. Also, via timely obscurants, the militarians enhance their protection. Hence, they increase their force, lessening survivability and reducing the enemy’s detection chances (Dandeker, 2019). Besides that, competent leadership, which is timely and reliable, ensures that in all chemical level units, they integrate the combined soldiers’ team appropriately. Well-placed chemical units allow commanders in the unit to view the battlefield at a better angle. Thus, they are likely to minimize risk via obscuration.

  • Timely and Reliable Militarians and Principles of War

Being on time and reliable helps militarians to abide more effectively by the set principles of war. The war principles include objective, offensive, mass, force economy, maneuver, command unity, security, surprise, and simplicity (Horowitz, 2021). Thus, to fulfill such objectives, all military personnel must be reliable and timely in their respective operations. Timely decisive objectives during military war help militarians handle the various battlefield situations in due course. Also, in due time, the set staff understands the various wargaming and overall mission requiring specific actions. Also, they would handle and integrate various important contingencies in time. Correspondingly during the war, time and reliable militarians are likely to offensive principles in due course. Leaders in the platform, for example, would apply timely initiatives to help their team maintain action freedom (Jones, 2021). Also, they are more likely to achieve set results as they adhere to offensive spirit based on their leaders’ intelligent decisions and a balance of their missions.

Also, they would ensure they are decisive in place and time and meeting their mass combat power objectives. It obscures their mass and retains action flexibilities through the help of their leaders, who focus on achieving superiority on their set targets. The militarians during the war also, through their timely and reliable practices, set the enemies in a disadvantage position that allows militarians to maintain action freedom and exploit their regions of success (Sedláček & Dohnal, 2021). On the other hand, the militarians maximize the use of their attached systems and units and fulfill the organization’s mission through efficient combat power.

Also, timely and reliable militarians other than managing to fulfill the principles of war further help them meet deep, close or rear operations. Timeliness and reliability among militarians help them understand the various categories of operations on the battlefield. They note the ultimate success critical for fulfilling synchronized operations (Andrzejewski, 2013). Therefore, the planning and coordination in rear and deep operation become vast, and that they would meet set objectives on directed enemies. In deep operations, for instance, the militarians understand the influence of their operations. Also, they have learned and understood their enemies’ operational processes and tempo and thus would disrupt their synchronized conventions. Also, timely and reliable militarians fully understand the psychological operation. Therefore, they are more likely to coordinate with combat power with operational, tactical, and strategic military plans. They would influence armed enemies’ motives and emotions and their objective understanding and reasoning and behavioral grouping, organization, and governance.

  1. Timely and Reliable Militarians and Army Operations

Also, during army operations, timely and reliable militarians would follow the set tenets in due course. Therefore, they are likely to be trusted to changing or setting the battle terms set through actions. Additionally, through timely and reliable initiatives, the militarians in the army operations act independently and willingly. Also, they would introduce an agility tenet in due course. The tenet of agility ensures military forces act faster and takes advantage of the enemy. Besides, they respond psychologically and physically in any change situation, and that the shift prompts quick coordination and reconfiguration (Jones, 2021). In the army operation, they would also extend their operations in time, space, and resources through timely and reliable qualities. Meeting the set objectives via supporting operation theaters further prompts a momentum of supporting combat operations and ensuring decisive power. Timely and reliable militarians during army operations further meet the synchronization principle in due course.

On the battlefield, they manage activities based on designated time and space. Also, they maximize efficiently their decisive points, which necessitate unity in the rest of the forces (Tecott & Halterman, 2021). In the military, meeting the synchronization principle is also versatile in the military and the Garrison. In the long run, the military meets diverse requirements for the mission and retains wartime execute missions.

In the military and Garrison, reliable and timely militarians during army operations also fulfill various military operations. It helps the militarians to meet the strategic conditions of the military’s economic and political needs. Timely and reliable militarians are more likely to understand a range of economic and political threats that will affect the country’s security. As a result, they would appropriately develop strategies for such threats and conditions. Also, they would operate adhesively during conflict and peacetime operations. They know the effective ways of dealing with war and fighting armed enemies (Jones, 2021). For example, during the intense conflict, militarians who are reliable and timely in their designated tasks would recognize in due time the terrorist groups. After that, they would use weapons for shocking effects to gain international and nation cause recognition and get insurgency support from the government. Generally, timely and reliable militarians effectively understand their maneuver, battle command, and mobility and survivability (Andrzejewski, 2013). Also, their military intelligence is of in-depth level. Thus they are flexible, survivable, and redundant and would synchronize all combat operations as expected.


In conclusion, timeliness among the militarians means one is reliable and responsible. Being on time indicates one is responsible and discipline and further shows concern via adhering to military regulations and rules. It pertains to the militarians being accountable and further shows in their organization, unit, and command that they are respectful. Generally, in the military setting, indicating punctuality shows that the militarians are dependable, diligent, determined, responsible, but also respectful of other individual’s time. A punctual soldier will allow themselves to prepare for their needs in due course. Besides, being on time shows that one in their line of professionalism is reliable and trustworthy. Timely and reliable militarians during army operations further meet the synchronization principle in due course. On the battlefield, they manage activities based on designated time and space. Also, they maximize efficiently their decisive points, which necessitate unity in the rest of the forces. In the military, meeting the synchronization principle is also versatile in the military and the Garrison.



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