Understanding the Role of the Registered Practical Nurse

Understanding the Role of the Registered Practical Nurse

Scholarly Paper


Registered Practical Nurses (RPN) work in a variety of settings and are valued members of the health care team. Understanding the role of the RPN within a chosen specialty will provide students with an introductory understanding of the RPN scope of practice and role clarity.


Aims of the Paper:

· To explain and discuss the concept of scope of practice.

· To explore the role of the RPN

· in a chosen specialty.

· To discuss the concept of client centered care and how it is applied in the chosen specialty.

· To develop scholarly writing skills.



· Be written in APA format 7th edition with citations and references according to APA @ Conestoga

· Be no more than 3 pages (not including title page or references). The paper will not be marked beyond the paper limits.

· Have a title page, headers and page numbers

· Paper should have an introduction and conclusion

· Be in Ariel 12 font, double-spaced

· Submitted electronically on the course shell.

· Turn-it-in enabled on shell.


Paper Overview

· Explain the term scope of practice and the importance of understanding your scope of practice as a Registered Practical Nurse.

· Explore ONE of the listed specialties where RPN’s practice.

· Palliative care, Medicine, Peri-Operative, Geriatrics, Primary Care, Mental health, Maternal Child, Pediatric, Community Care (Homecare), Public Health.

· Describe the role of the RPN in the specialty related practice setting.

· What nursing services do RPN’s provide in this setting?

· What specific skills are unique to this practice area?

· Discuss the knowledge required for this RPN role, consider:

· continuing education

· additional training

· Define patient centered care within the context of the practice setting. Using an example discuss how patient centered care is enacted in the practice setting.



Late Assignments:

· See Student Handbook for regulations regarding late assignments.




· Look closely at the rubric so you know how you are being evaluated.

· Use reliable references, this may mean doing some research to ensure what you are putting in your paper is accurate.

· Use Canadian references when you can. A lot of information from other jurisdictions/countries will not apply to nursing in Canada.

· Check each citation / reference to ensure it is APA.

· When using in-text quotations ensure you add your own thoughts and ideas related to the quotation.

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