Unit VIII PowerPoint Presentation

Unit VIII PowerPoint Presentation

· Weight: 10% of course grade



Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation of a minimum of 10 slides based on your final research project submission from Unit VII. Title and references slides are not counted toward the minimum slide counts. Use two current peer-reviewed sources. Follow APA style to format your presentation. Your PowerPoint should include:

· Title slide (1 slide),

· Introduction (1 slide),

· Aim, scope, and prospective audience (1 slide),

· Dissemination plan (poster, oral presentation, etc.; 1 slide),

· Discuss how to select a journal for publishing (1 slide),

· Explain the review process (1-2 slides),

· Considerations for oral presentations (1-2 slides),

· Discuss the benefits of publishing (1-2 slides), and

· References (1 slide).

For this assignment, you are able to use graphics and animations; however, be sure to maintain a professional appearance. Please adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

Note: For assistance with creating a basic PowerPoint presentation, review the  the PowerPoint APA and B

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