Vitamin A
Vitamin A
You will need to format your paper using MLA format.
Discuss the following information in your paper/report:
a. Function of the vitamin or mineral (this will be a very important part of the presentation)
b. RDA or DRI recommendations
c. Storage in the body
d. Food sources
e. Symptoms of toxicity (if applicable)
f. Symptoms of deficiency
g. Supplements (requires a visit to a vitamin or health food store)
1. Types of supplements available
2. Are supplements in pure or mixed form
3. % RDA or DRI the supplement provides
4. Cost of supplements
5. Recommendations regarding supplementation of this nutrient
2. Prepare a 2-3 page written report. Please be sure to include at least 3 references/resources.
What topic did you choose?
Is it categorized as a vitamin or a mineral?
What type of vitamin (water-soluble or fat-soluble) or mineral (micro-mineral or macro-mineral) is it? Define the type.
What are 3-5 whole food sources for your topic?
What is the RDA? AI? UL?
What happens if you are deficient in this vitamin or mineral?