Wheelchair Disability
Wheelchair Disability
Research Topic Activity: Complete the following questionnaire to help you identify several potential topics for your solution essay. Spend some time exploring possibilities because the first topic you think of may not be the best one. Often, the seemingly “minor” problems make the best topics. Write at least three sentences of clear summary/explanation for each topic you uncover.
Think about the communities of which you are a member (familial, neighborhood, work, school, spiritual, recreational, etc.) and brainstorm any problems that each are facing. List at least three possible topics.
Look at a recent issue of your local newspaper (you can do so online), and check out various items—the front page, the editorial, letters to the editor. Name three possible topics. Pay special attention to topics of local interest.
Solicit neighbors, co-workers, family members, and friends to identify a local problem that impacts them in some way, and then list a minimum of three potential topics.
Consult your e-connections (social media, podcasts, blogs, etc.) and take note of any local problems that people are bringing to light. Name at least three possible topics.
Pick up a copy of Viewpoints, our campus newspaper. List three possible topics.
1) an outline of how you plan to arrange your essay;
2) a list of at least five (5) sources you have located that relate to the problem/solution you are addressing. Print these sources out in Works Cited format.