Managerial Report for Supervising Manager: Input Date Here

Managerial Report for Supervising Manager: Input Date Here

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Manager’s Name and Role: Willietta Gombeh – Administrative Manager


Healthcare Setting: Hospital



Managerial Issue :


Impact & Details :

The purpose of a hospital is to ensure the health and wellness of not only it’s patient but the community at large. In the event of a power outage due to a storm, the hospital’s; it’s staff, operations, and the community in terms of public health, safety and first response policies and procedures are either limited or nonfunctioning at its full capacity. From a managerial stance it probes unique problems that could ricksha in several violations of health services laws and procedures that can result in a lost of life, money and or damage to infrastructure and technology.


Severity & Details :

The scope of severity ranges from mild to catastrophic to irreconcilable if appropriate measures are not taken in a timely fashion. In the event of a power outage the community is at a public health risk because a hospital serves as the mitigation center for morbidity and mortality management, and when such an institution is no longer working at its pinnacle, it than further undermines and increases low health outcomes to those suffering from preexisting conditions. As a health administrative manager our response time is greatly affected because machinery and technology used for dispatchers to staff will be hindered, resulting in ill prepared staff, nonfunctioning equipment and limited resources in the duration of response and recovery for those affected within the community.


Scope & Details :

Power outage can limit a hospitals response during time of crisis within a community such as in the event of a detrimental storm. The community may face wider gaps in health disparities and even death if hospitals are not running at it’s full capacity. The level of care is compromised and patients


Two Healthcare Setting Issues:

1. First Healthcare-Related Issue with Characteristics Defined : Patients who are sick can develop complications because of lack of treatment availability because of the power outage, example a patient a patient on dialysis unable to receive treatment and result in further kidney failure and decrease likelihood of survival from diagnosis.

2. Second Healthcare-Related Issue with Characteristics Defined : In the surgical setting when power outage occurs it can cause multiple negative outcome of surgery procedures, resulting in numerous outcomes such as medical malpractice or a negligence claim which can further result in a lawsuit and other unwarranted consequences.


Managerial Role Perspective Details : In the event of a pour outage it is my job to keep the hospital running and ensuring the safety of my patients and staff, while figuring ways to generate electricity and aid those in the community. First thing first is to combat the power outage with making sure the generator kicks in within seconds of power failure because it could result in complication or even death for patients in critical conditions relying on machinery for oxygen. Having a plan in place is crucial and in an organism such a hospital with many different wards and persons it’s important that codes and ethics are maintained during these hours and staff are properly trained to respond. In order to address the issue, I’ll first call a code, than direct supervisors to direct staff to assist patient who are in the ICU 9intensive care units who need acute care to take priority and for the rest of the staff to maintain safety and competency standards with remaining stable patients, and if possible transporting them to community health centers to receive targeted care.























Managerial Report for Supervising Manager: Input Date Here

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Two Policies, Laws, or Regulations with Responsible Parties Information :

1. First Policy, Law, or Regulation Information :

According to research “The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act took effect with Congressional sanction in 1986. The law requires care providers to deliver medical services despite the patients’ ability to pay. The act outlines specific guidelines for providers that deliver emergency services. If an individual has a medical emergency, such as an injury or active birth, the law obligates caregivers to stabilize the patient and provide treatment up to the point where the client remains stabilized. If the care provider cannot deliver this service, the law mandates that the provider transfer the patient to a capable facility.”  (Arieti, 2020)


1a.: Responsible Party, Regulatory Agency, or Regulatory Body Information :

The Agency responsible for the regulating of the EMTALA is the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) (now known as the Centers for Medicare.


2. Second Policy, Law, or Regulation Information :

According to research “The Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act (PSQIA) of 2005 creates a voluntary reporting system designed to improve the data available to assess and resolve patient safety and health-care quality issues. To this end, PSQIA proffers federal privilege and confidentiality protections for patient safety information. Under PSQIA, HHS can impose civil money penalties for violations of patient safety and confidentiality. PSQIA also authorizes the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to keep tabs on patient safety organizations, which are groups of external experts who collect and review patient safety data.”(Washington, 2015)


2a.: Responsible Party, Regulatory Agency, or Regulatory Body Information :

The regulatory parties, agencies, or institutions that serve as corrections and implantations is the AHRQ which stands for Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.


Situation Management- Two Specific Tasks or Steps to Address the Issues :

1. Details: First Task or Step to Address the Issues :


In the case there is power outage and patients in need of medical services show up without insurance, it is our duty to still provide competent care under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, even if we are unable to look them up in the system. We must treat each patient with upmost care with skilled practices.


2. Details: Second Task of Step to Address the Issues :

In the event of a power outage we still must uphold the Patient’s Safety and Quality Improvement Act, which means we will voluntarily report the type of care administered to patients and use those data to increase our positive health outcomes and insure that we are in right standing with our patients and with governing laws.


Two Stakeholders Defined with Details:

1. First Stakeholder, Role Support, and Stakeholder Importance :

Physicians are the first stakeholders in this scenario because they administer the care and need to be well versed in these laws towards their patients even in the face of an emergency. They uphold these laws and make sure patients are treated with empathy and equity. If physicians turn away a patient because of inability to pay, one can lose their live, and if reports are not conducted to assess the type of care administered than by what standards can we hold anyone accountable or eliminate disparities from health care biases.



2. Second Stakeholder, Role Support, and Stakeholder Importance :

Patients have a responsibility to educate themselves on their rights and what agencies provide the regulatory power to enforce proper access to equitable care. The single most importance of a patient is that they provide feedback, whether it is on care, treatment or best practices, the best people to learn from are patients themselves.









Work Cited Page


Arieti, A. (2020, March 5). 5 Health Care Laws Protecting the Rights of Patients. Online Master’s in Health Law and Policy.

Goodman, B. (2018, November 29). Your Rights in the Emergency Room. WebMD.,are%20also%20governed%20by%20EMTALA.

Levy, N. B. L. (2018). Legal Issues…Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA). CINAHL Nursing Guide.

Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005. (2005). [Washington, D.C. : U.S. G.P.O. : Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor, 2005.

Saleh, N. (2019, July 23). 10 medical laws all doctors should know. Https://Www.Mdlinx.Com/Article/10-Medical-Laws-All-Doctors-Should-Know/Lfc-3992.

Zibulewsky J. (2001). The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA): what it is and what it means for physicians. Proceedings (Baylor University. Medical Center), 14(4), 339–346.

In this unit, you learned about hypothesis testing. For this   assignment, you will be composing an essay to demonstrate what you have   learned about this topic. In your essay, you should do the following.

In this unit, you learned about hypothesis testing. For this   assignment, you will be composing an essay to demonstrate what you have   learned about this topic. In your essay, you should do the following.

Discuss the five steps in hypothesis testing, citing examples where   necessary.

Define null and research hypotheses.

Explain how to prepare data for hypothesis testing.

Describe exploratory data analysis as a prelude to hypothesis   testing.

Distinguish between Type I and II errors. What are the implications   of each?

Be sure to begin your essay with an introduction section that   includes a thesis statement for the paper. The tutorial with a transcript is attached   Your essay must be at least three pages in length, and you must use at least   three references. Any information from a resource must be cited and   referenced in APA format, and your essay should be formatted in APA style.


See attached study guide for reference materials. 

PUH 5302, Applied Biostatistics 1

PUH 5302, Applied Biostatistics 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit V

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

1. Explain the basic concepts of biostatistical analysis. 1.1 Explain how to prepare data for hypothesis testing. 1.2 Define null hypothesis and research hypothesis. 1.3 Discuss the five-step process involved in hypothesis testing.

Course/Unit Learning Outcomes

Learning Activity

1.1 Unit Lesson Chapter 7 Unit V Essay

1.2 Unit Lesson Chapter 7 Unit V Essay

1.3 Unit Lesson Chapter 7 Unit V Essay

Reading Assignment

Chapter 7: Hypothesis Testing Procedures

Unit Lesson

Welcome to Unit V. In the previous unit, we had an overview of sample size determination procedures and why it is important to have the appropriate sample sizes for various populations under study. We also identified common sample size calculation wizards available on the Internet.

In this lesson, we will discuss the process involved in hypothesis testing, but first, we will examine how data are prepared for hypothesis testing, define null and research hypothesis, and describe the five-step process involved in hypothesis testing.

Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is a crucial part of a research study. The process starts with the researcher making two specific statements about the population sample based on available information. The two statements oppose each other with one indicating an association between the variables and the other indicating no association between the variables. The test disproves one of the two statements, which the researcher will reject. He or she will then accept the opposite statement, which was proven to be true. The statement that indicates no association or reflects no difference is referred to as the null hypothesis represented by (H0). The other statement, which reflects the researcher’s belief, is called the alternative hypothesis and is represented by Ha or H1 (Sullivan, 2018).

For example, Let’s look at a research question and possible alternative and null hypotheses.

Research question: What is the relationship between leadership styles and turnover intent among hospital employees?


Hypothesis Testing




PUH 5302, Applied Biostatistics 2



Alternative hypothesis (Ha or H1): There is statistical significance between leadership styles and turnover intent among hospital employees. Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no statistical significance between leadership styles and turnover intent among hospital employees. Before any hypothesis testing is done, the researcher first prepares the data for testing by conducting other preliminary tests including the following.

 Reliability analysis informs the researcher whether or not the research instruments were appropriate

for the study. That is, did the research instrument measure what it was designed to measure? The results of the test are represented by the Cronbach Alpha (α) value, which is a standard test for reliability. The recommended or accepted Cronbach alpha value for many research studies is (α = .75 and above), and the closer the Cronbach alpha is to 1, the better the instrument is serving its purpose.

 Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is done to test for outliers. Outliers are values that are farther away from the mean score (below or above the mean). Researchers may want to resolve the problem of outliers because they negatively impact the study. They are known to skew the results (push the results in one direction resulting in a biased study). Bias in a research study is a nightmare for many researchers. In order to avoid this and to ensure the scores are normal or close to normal, researchers run a test of normality, which serves two purposes. It helps to determine if the scores are normal and based on the results, and it determines the type of test to deploy for testing the hypothesis. For example, if the study is designed to investigate the correlation between variables, the tests used are either Pearson correlation or Spearman’s rank coefficient. If the data are normal as revealed from the outlier and normality tests, the researcher uses Pearson correlation. However, if the data are not normal, the researcher then uses the Spearman’s rank correlation because it does not consider normality of data for analysis.

Steps in Hypothesis Testing After the data are prepared via exploratory data analysis, the researcher is now ready to run the hypothesis testing. Some researchers identify seven steps, including data collection and preparation, while others specifically deal with the actual test itself. Step 1: Set up hypotheses and determine the level of significance: The null hypothesis (H0) is a statement that says two variables or groups have no effect on each other (Sullivan, 2018). Typically, when conducting a study, a researcher wants to disprove the null hypothesis. To do this, the researcher first comes up with the two opposing statements based on the data at hand. For example, recall the examples discussed earlier in the unit:

 Null hypothesis (H0): There is no statistical significance between leadership styles and turnover intent among hospital employees.

 Research hypothesis or alternative hypothesis (H1): There is statistical significance between leadership styles and turnover intent among hospital employees.

The alternative hypothesis (H1) is the statement that two variables do have an effect on each other. Typically, the research wants to prove this hypothesis. The investigator believes, from our example, that there is a statistically significant relationship between leadership styles and turnover intentions among hospital employees. In order to prove what the investigator believes is true in relation to the hypothesis, the investigator determines a significant level of α = 0.05 (5%). That means, per analysis, all other things remaining constant, there is a 5% risk of concluding that there is a difference when in actuality there is not a difference. If a significant level of α = 0.01 (1%) is selected, that means, per analysis, all other things remaining constant, there is a 1% risk of concluding that a difference exists when there is no actual difference. Step 2: Select the appropriate test statistics: The next step involves the researcher collecting sample data and analyzing the data to determine whether the sample data supports the research hypothesis or not by




PUH 5302, Applied Biostatistics 3



finding out the value of the test statistics, that is, the mean score, proportion, t statistic, and z-score, as described in the analysis plan (NEDARC, n.d.). Step 3: Set the decision rule: Identify the acceptance or rejection statements by setting up decision rules. An analysis plan will include rules for refusing the null hypothesis. Statisticians advance two ways in describing these decision rules, either by referencing a p-value or a region of acceptance (Sullivan, 2018). The p-value is the strength of evidence in support of the null hypothesis. For example, if the test statistic is equal to a certain value, say Y, then the p-value is the probability of observing a test statistic like Y. This would assume the null hypothesis is true. Therefore, if the p-value is less than the significance level (α = 0.05), the null hypothesis can be rejected, and the alternative hypothesis can be accepted (NEDARC, n.d.). You should be familiar with the following terms that fall under this step. The region of acceptance is a range of values for the test statistics that warrants the acceptance of the null hypothesis. Within the region of acceptance, the chance of making a Type I error is the equal to the significance level. Opposite of the region of acceptance is the region of rejection; this is the set of values that is not in the region of acceptance. The null hypothesis is rejected if it falls within this region. That means, the hypothesis has been rejected at the α level of significance. Step 4: Compute test statistics: In this step, the researcher summarizes sample information in the test statistics (e.g., z-value) and draws conclusions by comparing test statistic to decision rule. Then, they provide final assessment as to whether H1 is likely true given the observed data (NEDARC, n.d.). Step 5: Conclusion: The researchers will make a final conclusive statement about the test based on the results. For example:

1. If the p-value is less than the significance level, or (α) is greater than the significant level, reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis because this would mean that the result is significant.

2. If the p-value is greater than the significance level, or (α) is less than the significant level, fail to reject the null hypothesis or accept the null hypothesis, the result is not statistically significant (NEDARC, n.d.).

It is wise to know that in hypothesis testing, the researcher does not completely prove a null hypothesis. This means that when there is no evidence against the null hypothesis, the researcher does not reject the null hypothesis. On the other hand, when there is strong enough evidence or enough evidence against the null hypothesis, the researcher does reject the null hypothesis (Sullivan, 2018). The conclusion must also include a statement about the alternative hypothesis. In addition, the descriptive statistics should also be included when he or she is presenting the results of the hypothesis test. The researcher has to report the exact p- values instead of just a certain range (Sullivan, 2018). For example, say that a hypothesis states that the patient admission rate differed significantly by socioeconomic class with patients higher up in the socioeconomic class having a lower rate of patient admission (p = 0.03). The following is an example of reporting a research conclusion.

 H0: There is no difference in patient admission rate between patients of a lower socioeconomic class and patients of higher socioeconomic class.

 H1: There is difference in patient admission rate between patients of a lower socioeconomic class and patients of higher socioeconomic class.

 α = 0.05; 30% increase in admission rate for patients in low socioeconomic class; p-value = 0.002. The following conclusion could be drawn.

 The null hypothesis should be rejected and the alternative hypothesis accepted.

 The difference in patient admission rate between patients from low socioeconomic class and those from higher socioeconomic class was statistically significant.




PUH 5302, Applied Biostatistics 4



 There was a 30% increase in admission for patients from low socioeconomic class (p = 0.001).

In summary, hypothesis testing is a crucial aspect of scientific research, especially for quantitative research. There are normally five main steps in hypothesis testing. Researchers first run an exploratory data analysis for outliers and normality tests before pursuing the actual hypothesis testing. The various steps include setting up the hypotheses and level of significance at which the test is to be conducted, selecting the appropriate test statistics, setting the decision rule, computing the test statistics, and drawing conclusions.

References NEDARC. (n.d.). Hypothesis testing. Sullivan, L. M. (2018). Essentials of biostatistics in public health (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett


As a public health professional, you may be expected to research, analyze, and communicate important policies.

As a public health professional, you may be expected to research, analyze, and communicate important policies. For example, as a state health department employee, you may design an educational campaign to encourage people to get particular vaccinations updated. If you were asked to make your case to the health department leadership about the benefit of this kind of program, you would need to realize that some individuals will use Medicaid benefits for coverage. What is the value to the state for Medicaid to pay for this? Often, research and policy analysis will target key stakeholders in leadership or regulatory positions.

There are several dynamics in public payment mechanisms, which are currently one of the largest parts of the United States federal budgetary outlay. What they do and who they serve makes them unlike any other system in this country or the world. A familiarity with various kinds of organizations, structures, and functions of public health and health-related systems and their regulatory systems will set the stage for how aspects of Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP can work.

For this assignment, you compare the organization, structure, and function of health care, public health, and regulatory systems across national and international settings and you research a pre-selected topic relevant to public payment mechanisms in Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP. Then, you analyze the potential impact of the payment policy in a specific setting and look at the payment policy against a broader perspective.

To prepare: Review the pre-selected topic focused on public payment systems, Medicaid, Medicare, and CHIP.

To complete: Submit a 4-5 page paper on the pre-assigned topic, not including title page and references, that addresses the bullet points below.

  • Title page, including name, date, course and section, and title
  • Include section headers for each section, below.
    • Describe the organization, structure, and function of health care delivery system in the United States, providing specific examples of how these services could be offered. What are some of the key regulatory systems for healthcare in the United States? Why do we have the clinical preventive services and by what authority can they be required?
    • Describe the organization, structure, and function of public health in the United States, providing examples, and comparing and contrasting it to health care. What are some of the key regulatory systems for public health in the United States? What about public health would ensure support for these services and why should public health systems promote this health care mechanism?
    • Choose a specific international setting and discuss the organization, structure, and function of health care in that region or country, providing specific examples. What regulatory systems exist for healthcare in this region or country that would help establish some sort of precedent for coverage of these services?
    • o Discuss the organization, structure, and function of public health in that same region or country, providing specific examples. What regulatory systems exist for public health in this region or country?
    • Explain how public payment is implemented in your prior chosen country or region.
    • Conclude with a take-home message for the similarities and differences between the United States and your chosen international setting for the organization, structure, and function of health care and public health and its regulation.
  • Cite the sources in your text, wherever you referred to them.
  • Include an APA formatted reference list.

For this assignment, you compare the organization, structure, and function of health care, public health, and regulatory systems across national and international settings and you research the pre-selected topic: Choose one state and speak to how the state uses Medicaid Managed Care to deliver long-term services and supports to Children with Special Health Care Needs. (Choose one state only.)  Please consult this website for support:

The assignment asks you to provide an overview of regulation across healthcare and public health systems and to include an example of regulatory standards and rules in an international setting.  These overviews should not be too long, but should serve as a sort of introduction to regulatory systems.  Both systems are covered in chapters 4 and 5 of the textbook.  Additionally, you’ll see with the first section, some language related to the work you did for the assignments in both Weeks 4 and 5.  So, this assignment helps you to look at that world through a regulatory lens and then to add some context relative to international health and public health.

So, in sum, the front end of the paper is on regulatory systems in public health and health care (including international) (the first 4 sections bullets of the instructions) and then a focus on the topic: Choose one state and discuss how it uses Medicaid Managed Care to deliver long-term services and supports to child with special health care needs (the fifth section bullet).

The weight of the paper will be on the pre-selected topic (the fifth section bullet – Explain how public payment is implemented in your prior chosen country or region (the state you choose)). 

I suggest you focus your research and information gathering on how your chosen state uses Medicaid Managed Care to deliver long-term services and supports to children with special health care needs.  This should be the main focus of your paper.

Support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate.  Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.

Consider the healthcare leaders and managers who have been profiled in the learning resources throughout this course.

Consider the healthcare leaders and managers who have been profiled in the learning resources throughout this course. Would they all have the same vision for their organizations and plan for the same outcomes? Would the CEO of a hospital involve the same stakeholders in the same strategic planning process as the president of a foundation that funds services for families facing cancer, for example? The answer to these questions would likely be no.

In strategic planning, there is no “one-size-fits all.” Because every situation is different, healthcare leaders and managers must carefully weigh many different aspects of their organization—defining elements, goals, stakeholders, strategies for success, and roles.

To prepare for this Assignment:

By Day 7

Write a 2- to 3-page paper to compare and evaluate the two Strategic pPlans you select. Address the following:

  • What are the key components of each Strategic Plan?
  • Who are the stakeholders who might have been most involved?
  • Compare the goals and strategies identified in each strategic plan.
  • What barriers are there to successful implementation of the strategic planning, and how could a healthcare manager overcome these barriers?
  • Put yourself in the role of a manager at one or both facilities. What are your responsibilities in ensuring one or both are successful?

Select a personal example when you heard a warning about an impending threat or imminent disaster (e.g. tornado, hurricane, wildfire, explosion, and flood).

Select a personal example when you heard a warning about an impending threat or imminent disaster (e.g. tornado, hurricane, wildfire, explosion, and flood). What was your response? What factors or personal beliefs impacted your response?

Your initial posting should be 300 to 350 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook.

What kinds of attitudes and behaviors are indicators that a man is likely to behave in a sexually coercive way? Give 4 example and explain each, and how do you prevent it?

Topic 1

  •   What kinds of attitudes and behaviors are indicators that a man is likely to behave in a sexually coercive way? Give 4 example and explain each, and how do you prevent it?

Please be thorough with your response and be sure to back up all information with reputable sources

Topic 2

  • Imagine that you are asked to speak to incoming freshmen about sexual harassment. What information would you give them, and what advice would you offer to anyone who felt he or she was being sexually harassed?

Explain the core functions and essential services and how they impact the social determinants of health. Provide examples from your local community.

Understanding the core functions and essential services of public health are extremely important for public health officials when promoting health in the community or trying to implement a policy.As a public health official, you will be expected to give a variety of presentations about your work or topics that currently affect your work in public health.For this assignment, imagine that you are the public health director for a local public health agency and you have been asked to give a presentation to a local board of county commissioners that is deciding whether to increase or decrease funding for your public health agency. It is your task to influence and educate the county commissioners regarding the importance of core public health services, recent policies and legislation that may affect public health services in your community, and your role as the health director in providing adequate public health protections and policy development.Please include at least the following information in your presentation:

  1. Explain the core functions and essential services and how they impact the social determinants of health. Provide examples from your local community.
  2. Identify a current public health policy or legislative action and how it has positively affected your community.
  3. Provide an example of a public health policy in history, and how it has paved the way for a current public health policy that has positively affected your community.
  4. Explain the role of public health officials in program and policy development, management, and implementation. Provide examples.

For this presentation, you will need to create a logical and succinct PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of eight slides (not counting the title and reference slides). You may use the textbook, the American Public Health Association website, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, the National Association of County and City Health Officials website, and other academic sources as you see fit. Remember, be sure to create a title slide and a reference slide that cites all sources using APA format.Please make sure to use the notes section within PowerPoint to create the dialogue or script that you would use when speaking to the audience about the information presented on your slide. Your PowerPoint presentation should be constructed using a serif-type font. A serif-type font is for high-resolution media in principle and is easier to read than a sans-serif font because the individual characters differ more from each other. The standard is Times New Roman.Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

Evaluate why prescribing, control, and administration of medications is a major area of legal concern for health care providers.


Evaluate why prescribing, control, and administration of medications is a major area of legal concern for health care providers. What is the impact of medication errors to the patient and the health care provider? Discuss ways doctors make mistakes in prescribing medication.  What kinds of errors do nurses make regarding the administration of medications?

Watch this link below:

Review the documentary and, in addition to conducting your own research, address the methods or practices that you feel would be most effective in reducing medication/prescribing errors.

Human Sexuality: Sexual Dysfunctions Among Women

Develop a 20 slide PPT lecture titled “Human Sexuality: Sexual Dysfunctions Among Women”

You can present each slide of your PPT using the  Notes feature to walk the audience through each slide.   Highly suggested historically women’s sexuality and sexual health was viewed by the medial community, and then transition to today’s experience.



When designing your PPT presentation:

You might want to personalize your approach, positioning yourself and your interests within the presentation (a first-person approach) or you may want to be more academic or journalistic in approach and tone. Many decisions will have to be made to compose an excellent presentation. You will have ample opportunity to approach the task creatively.

A successful slide presentation will:

· Make a clear case for the importance of your research.

· Clearly and engagingly deliver important insights from your research.

· Effectively use the multi-media capability of the PowerPoint medium.

· Highlight research sources (including references).

· Be effectively edited.

· Adhere to the required time limit.

Rhetorical and Stylistic Mistakes to Avoid

· Distracting fonts.

· Text-heavy slides.

· Visually difficult color contrasts.

· Reliance on clip art.

· Image and text / spoken text don’t align.

· Presenter / voice-over just repeats text on slides.

Organizing Your Presentation

· You have freedom to compose your presentation as you would like. I strongly encourage you to outline your presentation before you start composing individual slides.  PowerPoint provides options for outlining . You may even want to draw an outline, sequencing and designing slides on paper with pen or pencil.

·  Here is one logical structure you might use or adapt:

· Slides 1-2 approx. (Importance of your research)

· Slides 3-7 approx.  (Context or background of the issue)

· Slides 8-13 approx. (Present your research—making your main point)

· Slides 18-20 approx. (Conclude)