inter-professional communication and leadership in healthcare reflection


738.10.1 : Apply Mindfulness

The learner applies mindfulness to promote self-discovery.

738.10.2 : Apply Mindset, Working Styles, and Energy Dynamics

The learner applies mindsets, working styles, and energy dynamics to promote academic and professional success.

738.10.3 : Communicate Effectively

The learner communicates effectively in both oral and written format.

738.10.4 : Use Communication Strategies

The learner uses communication strategies to foster a supportive peer community.


Before you attempt this task, you are required to complete the D235 Interprofessional Communication and Leadership in Healthcare course. This task relies on the completion of several self-assessments such as the 5 Dynamics and reflection on your hero’s journey.

In this task, you will be expected to submit a three-part reflection paper. This paper will help you focus on your experience and insights from the course. This includes what you have experienced and learned about the results of your individual 5 Dynamics Assessment and what they revealed about your personal working style; how you work with others; insights you have gained regarding conversations and interactions you have with friends, family, coworkers, and others; as well as your plans for the future.

The first part of your paper will focus on your working style and what you have learned about how you work with others. The second part of the paper will focus on your experience with the different modes of communication explored in the course. The third part of your paper will focus on your overall course experience, your journey through this course, and what you plan to do with the skills you have learned.

The intent of this paper is to reflect on your learning experiences in the course. You should first complete a draft of the paper and then finalize the submission with additional insights.

Be concise, clear, and authentic in your writing. Use the paper to explore your experience, consolidate insights, and start thinking about how you will use the course to improve your chances for success in the future.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).

A.  Write a paper (suggested length of 4–7 pages) reflecting on your experiences during the Interprofessional Leadership and Communication course, including the following APA formatting requirements:

•  double-spaced text with one-inch margins

•  a heading at the beginning of the paper with your name and the course name, instructor name, assignment, and date

•  labels for each of the three parts of the paper
Part One: Working Style

1.  Identify your working style results from your personal 5 Dynamics report, including the level of intensity (i.e., Abundant, Effortless, Deliberate, Reserve) for each of the four energies (i.e., Explore, Excite, Examine, Execute) in the success/satisfaction cycle.

2.  Reflect on what the working style results from your Working Style Self-Assessment and 5 Dynamics report mean for you by answering the following questions:

•  What are two of your strengths?

•  What are two of your challenges?

•  How do you learn best?

•  How do these energy dynamics, from either your self-assessment or 5 Dynamics report, present themselves in your daily life?

3.  Describe a working style you would want a teammate on a professional or class project to have, given your own working style, and explain how the strengths of that working style would help create a balanced team to successfully complete the project.
Part Two: Communication 

4.  Using the conversation meter (Unit 7.2 within the course material) consider a conversation you had with friends, family, coworkers, or others, and reflect on the following:

a.  Describe the conversation noting the listening mode (i.e., Pretense, Sincerity, Accuracy, Authenticity) you were in with specific examples from the conversation experience.

b.  Discuss what you have learned about the way you listen.

c.  Discuss what you learned about how your listening levels affect your relationships.

5.  Using the Conversation Meter (Unit 7.2 within the course material), consider a different conversation you had with friends, family, coworkers, or others, and reflect on the following:

a.  Describe the experience, noting the speaking mode (i.e., Pretense, Sincerity, Accuracy, Authenticity) you were in with specific examples from the conversation experience.

b.  Discuss what you have learned about the way you express yourself through verbal communication including specific examples.

c.  Discuss what you have learned about how you speak and how the way you speak affects your relationships.

6.  Explain how your communication style applies the laws of conversation to create cycles of value or cycles of waste in your relationships and your life.

7.  Explain how you will use your new communication tools to decrease cycles of waste or increase cycles of value.
Part Three: Reflection/Hero’s Journey

8.  Reflect on your experience in this course by addressing the following:

a.  Explain what you learned from your experiences with the course material.

b.  Discuss what was most challenging for you in the course material.

c.  Discuss what was most valuable to you from the course material.

9.  Discuss two ways you could help friends, family, coworkers, or others develop the skills you learned in the course and how these skills could benefit them.

10.  Explain how you plan to sustain the positive skills and habits you have formed from this course and how you will continue to maintain success in those areas.

11.  Discuss the areas of communication and leadership in which you could still develop and how you plan to develop in those areas.
B.  Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
C.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

File Restrictions
File name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! – _ . * ‘ ( )
File size limit: 200 MB
File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z

Lae Biscuit Company

Lae Biscuit Company

Marketing Research Report

TASK 2 Report

FM422 Assessment


Description:     Students are to develop a plan to address three main marketing challenges from the last four topics (topic 9 – 12) in their particular workplace based on market research steps. It can be based on their particular workplace or another organisation.

Topic:              Develop an action plan to address three marketing challenges from the last four topic (topic 9 – 12).


Type:               Report


Follow the report format than the essay type. Comply with marking criteria as outlined below. It must include assessment cover sheet, title page, table of contents and other features of a report.


Length:            2,000 words


The word limit is 2,000 words. Any words in the report used in any diagram, table, references, assessment cover sheet, table of contents and title page will be excluded from this word limit.


Criteria:           These are the marking criteria are set for assessing the task 2:


§  Report format used                                              /05

§  Content relevant to topic                                      /10

§  Key concepts/terms discussed                              /10

§  Concepts/terms and practices aligned                 /10

§  Academic writing skills applied                            /05

§  Correct spelling, grammar & punctuation used  /05

§  At least 5 quotes/paraphrases used                     /05

Total:   50


Due date:        After six (6) weeks) – 29th April 2022



Weight:           50 %

To write about Lae Biscuit Company, Papua New Guinea

“Lae Biscuit Company Ltd. is a well known company with some classic brands in biscuits. It has a strong following all over Papua New Guinea. The company has product exports to Solomon Islands and Vanuatu and foresee to expand its potentials to other Pacific Islands as well.”


Founded in 1972 under the visionary Sir Henry Chow as a bakery-type biscuit factory at Voco Point in Lae. Today, Lae Biscuit Co. Ltd. is the largest biscuit producer in the Pacific, with it’s newly opened Biscuit factory and has also opened it’s Noodles line to cater to all the needs of every Papua New Guineans.

From it’s humble beginnings to today’s grand openings,

Lae Biscuit Company has maintained it’s belief in creating employment for Papua New Guineans and supporting the community by providing assistance to community projects, events, sporting events, and disaster relief.

Lae Biscuit will always strive to give back to the community by providing top notch customer service and extremely delicious Biscuits and Noodles.

Lae Biscuit Company chairman lan Chow confirming the shutdown of his factories in Lae, Morobe Province, starting this week, said he returns after two weeks with confidence to build up and change the business model to continue and provide jobs for Papua New Guineans.

The obvious reasoning being the tough economic set backs the country is facing is having an adverse effect on the company forcing it to shutdown aback over stocking.  #localbusiness #papuanewguinea #economics #sos #toughtimes


Comparison of PTSD Treatment interventions between Holocaust survivors and U.S. war Veterans: A qualitative Systematic Literature Review study

Comparison of PTSD Treatment interventions between Holocaust survivors and U.S. war Veterans: A qualitative Systematic Literature Review study

Please see the DP handbook for the requirements, this will part 1( chapter1 /DP 1) when approved by the supervisor, I will ask you do DP2, when approved, DP 3, WHEN APPROVED by the the supervisor, I will ask you do DP 4, when approved by the supervisor, DP 5. when approved you need to correct everything based ont the final feedback.  So please read the work I have done up to now, See the current DP one, in which you will find feedback, pleae correct it, fil the gaps, see the accademic requirements handbook, and doctoral handbook.  you need to foloow the instructions and requirements given by the handbook. I will also upload the outline of the research project so you can than continue the work.  You need to follow orthodxly the apa 7 th edition requiremnts. every DP will have a time line of one week. and the tottal DP ( CHAPTERS, 1,2,3,4,AND 5) ARE 20 000 WORDS IN TOTTAL.  The methodology must be a qualoitative systematic litterature review

on adam smith’s division of wealth in wealth of nations

on adam smith’s division of wealth in wealth of nations



Staying close to the text, explain Smith’s worries about the negative impact that the division of labor will have on society. Explain his proposed solution to these problems. Then critically react. Do you think these solutions would be any good? Why or why not? Do they leave anything out? If so, what?

AI and the disruption it has caused in the workplace

AI and the disruption it has caused in the workplace

SOURCES: Your textbook, chapters covered this semester; plus the recent articles from the Wall Street Journal found in the Canvas module titled “Paper Two Source Articles.”

Your assignment is to do the following:
1. READ these articles carefully.
2. THINK about the primary arguments or actions found in each of these articles.
3. COMPARE and CONTRAST the articles to find areas of agreement, areas of disagreement, and recommendations implied by the articles.
a. FIND YOUR INTEREST: The articles discuss several topics: layoffs, remote work/return to the office, older versus younger workers, and AI. Choose the subset of articles that interests you most.
b. THINK: for the subset of articles most interesting to you, what are the management challenges and opportunities presented by these changes? How will you as a manager deal with planning, organizing, controlling, and leading your employees through these changes?
a. Use strong topic sentences, leading off focused paragraphs, presented in logical sequence. A typical page should include three or four focused paragraphs.
b. Use formal business style, which includes clarity, brevity, accuracy, and correct spelling and grammar.
d. Save your opinions for the end, as a thoughtful and logical outcome of the facts and concepts you have presented.
e. Make sure you put quotations within quote marks, and that you clearly provide attribution for the works of other authors.
Does the student clearly connect the articles’ information to MGMT 316 course concepts?
Are course concepts first defined, then explained in detail, then logically and completely applied into your discussion of the articles?
Are all of the relevant source articles clearly included and well-summarized in the paper’s discussion?
Are the paragraphs of this report presented in logical sequence?
Does each paragraph have a strong, clear topic sentence?
If the evaluator reads only the topic sentences, in order, does the report make sense?
Does the writer use facts, express concepts clearly, connect them logically?
Does each paragraph deal with only one area of analysis, or does it drift into other areas?
Does the writer successfully avoid colloquialisms, imprecise language, and hyperbole?
Is each sentence grammatically correct? (Check green underline).
Is each word spelled correctly? (Check red underline)
Check spelling of synonyms (there, they’re, their; it’s, its; too, two, and to; etc.)
Is the paper consistent in using passive voice and formal report style throughout?
Is the author’s opinion presented at the end of the report, and does it flow logically from the facts and concepts developed throughout the paper?




Select a 5-10 year period and analyze the microeconomic issues impacting an industry during that time. You should be looking for issues and topics that we have covered in this course and how you can apply those concepts to a real-world situation.


Select an industry and a company within a time period that you will use for analysis during the semester.

Part 1: What industry and time period will you analyze? The time period selected should be roughly a 5-10 year period when something interesting was occurring within  the industry

    1. List and give a short description of the major (4 -5) competitors in the market.
    2. What type of products are produced?  Are they identical or differentiated?  Does this change during the analysis period?
    3. How have consumers influenced the market?  What have the consumers done to change the industry?  Consider things like the determinants of demand, price elasticity, income elasticity, and cross-price elasticity.

(2-3 pages)


Part 2: Thinking about one of the competitors in your industry, please analyze the competitive landscape for that company. In your analysis, you will want to consider the following topics/questions:

    1. How many competitors existed in this industry at the beginning of your chosen time period?  How many competitors existed at the end of the time period?  What happened to cause this change?
    2. What is the concentration ratio at the beginning and the end of the period?
    3. What is the level of market power for each competitor?  How does it change during this period?  Why?
    4. Ultimately, what market structure do you believe this industry to be and why?  You must analyze this real-world industry in relation to the characteristics of market structures to make this determination.  Again, has this changed from the beginning to the end of the time period?  Why?  What caused the changes?

( 3- 4 pages)


Part 3: Analyze one of the competitors in your industry to determine how government intervention( regulations, tax breaks, other support) and labor issues have influenced the industry/company.  Note: Not all companies may be significantly impacted by all  of these areas, so you will have to use your judgment about what is relevant.

    1. What role, if any, did government intervention play in the evolution of this industry/company?
      • What regulations have been put in place during this time period and how have these regulations impacted the market outcomes?
    2. Is there a labor union?  Is this company/industry impacted by the minimum wage?
    3. Does this company rely on high-skilled or low-skilled labor?  How does the type of labor used (high-skilled or low-skilled) impact the supply of labor?  How do these influence the wage rate in the company/industry?
      • Does this company/industry use more labor or more capital to produce products?
    4. Has globalization played a role?  Outsourcing?
    5. Give a description of an event you believe negatively impacted the market outcomes of one of the companies in your chosen industry.
    6.  What do you think the company could have done differently that would have impacted outcomes for the company/industry?

(4- 5 pages )


Please analyze the industry by answering the questions below.  Use of vocabulary and concepts from  Ch 1-9 ( chapters we have covered up to now) and research are required.  Some suggested sources are below (though you can use other sources as well).


  • Must use APA citation format.
  • What is APA?
    • All references should be cited.  I expect a minimum of 6 sources, but most likely you will need many me.
    • Appendices: Source materials must be included in separate appendices such as economic reports that are used to draw conclusions.  Other source materials may be included in an appendix if it meets all of the following criteria: 1) the source is relevant to your topic; 2) you refer to the material in written analysis and want the reader to be able to view the full source, and 3) the source material is too long to only use a direct quotation.

Why is the process of Science so important to understand? List the scientific method and explain how this affects science today.

Why is the process of Science so important to understand? List the scientific method and explain how this affects science today.

Abortion should not be legal

Overview: This assignment requires you to investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner. Your argument essay will ultimately present a well-reasoned conclusion that persuades your audience to accept—or at least consider—your point of view.


  • Write a 5+ page (1500+ words) argument with five
  • Two of these sources must be from a library database (although all of them may be).
  • One of these sources must be peer-reviewed.
  • Your completed argument should consist of clear sections, such as (these are only examples – use the headings that fit best with your topic): Introduction / Background Information, Argument Point 1, Point 2, Point 3, Counterargument, Rebuttal, Conclusion, References. These should be labelled with headings (and sometimes sub-headings), and are logically sequenced, well developed, and supported with reliable evidence. NOTE: Your headings do not have to match mine.

As you investigate your argument, be sure to address each of the following:

  • Choose your position. Which side of the issue are you going to write about? Know the purpose of your essay. This means you MUST choose a side to defend.
  • Establish the purpose and value of the argument. Why is your argument important or controversial? What values are at stake? You do not want to argue about a topic on which everyone agrees. For instance, do not argue: Germs can cause illness, so we must wash our hands frequently. Most people agree with this stance. Choose something that has two (or more) positions.
  • Do a wide search for information and sources so you are well informed about your topic. You want to explore both sides of your argument. Knowing why you do not believe in the points of one side (your opposition) can help you strengthen your points of why you do believe in your position.
  • Avoid taking an all-or-nothing position. Think about our conversations about abortion. Do you remember the Texas couple who suffered because of the Texas ban on abortion. Most of us concluded that this all or nothing position caused more problems that many lawmakers did not consider.
  • Respectfully address and refute the opposing argument. Understand the opposite viewpoints of your position. What counterarguments will your opposition make against your own claims? Then refute them by providing contrasting evidence or by finding inconsistencies in the logic of the opposing argument.
  • Support your position with reasonable assertions and logic. Do not forget to consider the rhetorical appeals in this section. You can incorporate ethos (credibility of the person making the argument) by using reliable and responsible research. You can incorporate pathos by using researched or anecdotal examples based on an appeal to the reader’s emotions. Incorporate logos by using statistical information, surveys, and sound reasoning.
  • You do not need to provide a solution; your purpose is to explain to the reader which side of an argument has more merit. NOTE: If you would like, you can provide a call to action.
  • Evaluation Criteria: Your report should be 1500+ words and will be assessed by the following criteria:
    • Knowledge of subject is evident, and topic is focused
    • Clarity/Strength of claims and use of evidence to back them up – quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing – including introductory and follow-up material
    • Organization/Paragraph Development
    • FIVE+ outside sources
    • Your document should be in APA 7th Edition style, typed in 12-point, Times New Roman font; all margins should be one inch and the analysis should be double-spaced. For those of you who plan to go into a health-related field, APA and AMA will be the preferred (often mandated) style. If you learn it now, future classes will be a lot easier.

What were the earliest human migrations out of Africa, and how did these migrations influence the development of early human societies in other regions of the world?

Hello, this is an academic research paper on the topic of “What were the earliest human migrations out of Africa, and how did these migrations influence the development of early human societies in other regions of the world?”. Please use the 5 references in the paper that I cited under my Research Cited page in my file attached. You can also build on what is already written.
Formatting guidelines:
  • Double spaced
  • Readable font (Cambria, Times, Times New Roman)
  • 1 inch margins
  • Cite your information in text

New Kingdom of Egypt

New Kingdom of Egypt


Learners will write a research paper analyzing a historical topic covered in the course, demonstrating the ability to locate sources, and clearly communicate an argument that analyzes complex historical questions.


  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a historically relevant topic/question
  • Demonstrate research skills by providing relevant information to support their interpretation and argument of historical question


  • Students will begin by selecting a topic of their choice covered during the course
  • Students will then develop an historically relevant question that analyzes various aspects of Western Civilizations
    • Students will need to develop questions that address questions of how or why rather than factually based questions, students want to an analytical essay and not a report
  • Students must then locate at least 10 sources (5 primary and 5 secondary) that will assist them in answering their question(s)
    • Primary source material includes sources from the period being studied and can include, but are not limited to: letters, histories, journals, paintings, architecture, sculpture, etc.
    • Acceptable secondary source material would include, but not limited to scholarly journal articles, appropriate scholarly databases and websites (official museums and libraries), historical documentaries that demonstrate rigorous scholarly research, etc.
    • Students should consult the assigned reader, online librarian, or instructor for assistance in obtaining sources
  • Students will then write a formal 2500-3000-word analytical essay that presents a clear argument or thesis that may be supported by secondary and primary sources
    • Essays should be submitted as a PDF or DOCX
    • Format should include Times New Roman 12-in font, standard margins, and double spaced
    • Proper citations should be used for all references made to sources along with a Works Cited page using the Chicago style
  • Throughout the course students will submit a topic proposal following the instructions presented in Module 3
  • Students will also submit an annotated bibliography as instructed in Module 7
I attached the annotated bibliography to the files.