Vitamins and nutrients can have a significant impact on both the mental and physical health of an individual if they are consumed in the right dosage.
Vitamins and nutrients can have a significant impact on both the mental and physical health of an individual if they are consumed in the right dosage.
The length of the paper should be 8-12 pages of text (not counting your works cited pages), with a minimum
of 10 reliable sources. Additionally, DO NOT exceed the maximum page requirement. Twelve pages is
enough space to write this paper—you don’t need to write eighteen. No more than five of the sources should
be purely electronic (websites). Sources retrieved electronically through databases like Academic Search
Premier and ProQuest do not count as electronic. No more than two of the sources should be interviews.
More Important:
The paper should be 12-point font, double spaced, in Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins on all
sides in Microsoft Word. Do not use Google Docs, as the format messes up in the translation. See the sample
paper on page 128 of text for format. We are using MLA format with in-text citations.
MOST Important:
Papers that are NOT in MLA format with intext citations, at least 8 pages long, with at least 10 cited sources
WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please meet the minimum requirements. Papers should not exceed the 12-page
maximum (not including works cited). Late papers will not be accepted.