Vitamins and nutrients can have a significant impact on both the mental and physical health of an individual if they are consumed in the right dosage.

Vitamins and nutrients can have a significant impact on both the mental and physical health of an individual if they are consumed in the right dosage.


The length of the paper should be 8-12 pages of text (not counting your works cited pages), with a minimum
of 10 reliable sources. Additionally, DO NOT exceed the maximum page requirement. Twelve pages is
enough space to write this paper—you don’t need to write eighteen. No more than five of the sources should
be purely electronic (websites). Sources retrieved electronically through databases like Academic Search
Premier and ProQuest do not count as electronic. No more than two of the sources should be interviews.
More Important:
The paper should be 12-point font, double spaced, in Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins on all
sides in Microsoft Word. Do not use Google Docs, as the format messes up in the translation. See the sample
paper on page 128 of text for format. We are using MLA format with in-text citations.
MOST Important:
Papers that are NOT in MLA format with intext citations, at least 8 pages long, with at least 10 cited sources
WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please meet the minimum requirements. Papers should not exceed the 12-page
maximum (not including works cited). Late papers will not be accepted.

Tourism In Hawaii

Write an article about a topic in tourism in Hawai`i.

Imagine that you are going to submit an essay to the Honolulu Civil Beat but you have an 800-word LIMIT. The essay must be double-spaced, 12 font, and Times New Roman font. Your writing will be assessed based on the writing rubric provided in your syllabus. Please cite any sources that you use in APA format.

Example Topics:


  1. Tourism effects on coral reefs
  2. Gentrification caused by tourism and displaced locals
  3. Lost of culture and identity from displacement
  4. Vanishing of native forests and animals due to the development caused by tourism
  5. Exploitation of Local Culture
  6. lack of job security due to a saturation of seasonal and service jobs (limits growth.

Death Penalty

Persuasive eassay on why we should have the death penalty.

Length and specifications: approximately 2-3 typed, double-spaced pages in 12-point Times New    Roman font with 1-inch margins.

Novel The Children’s Blizzard by Melanie Benjamin

Novel ” The Children’s Blizzard ” by Melanie Benjamin



When you read the novel, what stood out to you, amused you, frightened you, struck you in some way? Was it a theme, a connection to something else you’ve seen/read/experienced?

Specific instructions are
  • This will be a 6-9 page research paper
  • No title page
  • Don’t mess with the margins or do any funny formatting to artificially lengthen the paper
  • Use MLA documentation style or APA, but be consistent.
  • Make several points about your area or areas of focus (immigration, American dream, tragedy, grief, teaching, etc.)
  • At least 6 full pages (not including works cited page)
  • Mention the title of the novel and the author in your introduction
  • Quote mainly from the novel. Use evidence (3 or more quotes) from your primary source (Children’s Blizzard) in every body paragraph. Put page numbers after each quote.
  • Never start or end a paragraph with a quote
  • Personal experience is welcome if it relates to your focus
  • Quote at least once from each of your three separate sources, no sources from the general internet. Use library databases (EBSCO, Proquest, SIRS), and your sources must have an author’s name (no Proquest Staff, organizations, etc.)
  • Feel free to use subheadings to help your reader follow your argument—areas of focus.
  • Use any story, poem, play that we covered this semester that relates to your focus
  • Use your voice. Research papers can be stuffy. Please be yourself.
  • There will be two separate grades: grammar/mechanics and content.
  • Credit all sources: avoid plagiarism

Essay On Canterbury Tale’s (The Franklin’s Tale)

Essay On Canterbury Tale’s (The Franklin’s Tale)



In an essay of 1-2 double-spaced pages, identify the speaker and the situation to which the lines respond. Explain the content and discuss the importance of this passage to the ideas Chaucer explores in The Franklin’s Tale. In the course of your discussion, work in short quotations from the text so as to display your understanding of Chaucer’s English.

Your essay must show clear knowledge and understanding of the lecture/discussion material. You may consult class notes, but do not consult external sources in the completion of this assignment.


For o thing, sires, saufly dar I seye,

That freendes everich oother moot obeye,

If they wol longe holden compaignye.

Love wol nat be constreined by maistrye;

Whan maistrye comth, the God of Love anon

Beteth hise winges, and farwel, he is gon!

Love is a thing as any spirit free.

Wommen, of kinde, desiren libertee,

And nat to been constreined as a thral;

And so doon men, if I sooth seyen shal.

Looke who that is moost pacient in love,

He is at his avantage al above.

Pacience is an heigh vertu, certein,

For it venquisseth, as thise clerkes seyn,

Thinges that rigour should nevere atteine.

Mla format and please do not use outside sources only cite from what i’ll provide below, thank you!

Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Present a clear thesis and be sure to use textual evidence.

Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Present a clear thesis and be sure to use textual evidence.




Write a short 3-4 page essay using textual evidence on Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman.   Present a clear thesis and be sure to use textual evidence.  

The effects of COVID-19 epidemic on students’ attendance and mental health

The effects of COVID-19 epidemic on students’ attendance and mental health

Week 5 Assignment: Research Proposal (50 Points)


The purpose of this week’s assignment is to complete and submit the research proposal.

Week 5 targets the following Course Learning Objectives (CLO) – Students will:

  • CLO5: Develop a coherent research plan that supports instructional planning through data-driven decision-making

Week 5 Learning Objectives (W5LO) – Students will:

  • W5LO1: Describe the rationale for the chosen statistical analysis
  • W5LO2: Design a research plan proposal (CLO5)

Assignment Due Date: All weekly assignment components are due by 11:59 p.m. on the seventh day of Week 5 unless the activity directions specify different instructions.



  1. Complete your Research Proposal. Proposals must follow the guideless outlined in Chapter 10 of your textbook.
  2. Upload your Research Proposal as a word document to Blackboard no later than 11:59 pm on the seventh day of Week 5. DO NOT attach your report to this assignment document.


All Research Proposals will have the following components, but depending of the type of study (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, or action research) selected, additional information may be required. See Chapter 10 of the text for details. You are responsible for the additional information.

  • Title Page
  • Section One – Introduction (Include an explanation of the phenomenon, topic, or problem proposed to investigate; background information related to the topic or problem; purpose of the study; a rationale or justification for the study; specification of the research questions and/or hypotheses.
  • Section Two – Review of the Literature (Include introduction, at least two subheadings, and summary)
  • Section Three – Methods Section
    • Participants, as well as specific processes for selecting them;
    • A thorough description of the Research Design, including procedures;
    • methods to use for Data Collection, including instruments, protocols, or other data collection materials; and
    • Proposed Data Analysis, including the type of statistical analyses that will be used to obtain results.
  • Reference Page


Proposals must adhere to APA style, including correct level subheadings and in-text citations.



  • Refer to the Rubric
  • Refer to Guidelines outlined in the textbook based on research methodology selected.
  • Refer to the examples in the resource section of the course.



Rubric: Use the following Rubric to guide your work on the Week 5 Assignment.


Research Proposal Rubric
Research Proposal

PEDG 5307

Level 1

Does not meet the minimum criteria


Level 2

Approaches minimum criteria


Level 3

Meets criteria

Level 4

Exceeds criteria


Research Proposal


Title Page


Title Page

·   There is no title page.

·   The title page is not formatted according to APA style.




















Points:  0-5

Title Page

·   Title is unclear and vague and/or does not describe the problem and/or intervention and/or does not describe what the report is about and/or describes the results.

·   Title page is formatted according to APA with more than two formatting errors.

Points: 6

Title Page

·   Title describes the problem and/or intervention.

·   Title describes what the report is about.

·   Title avoids describing the results.

·   Title page is formatted according to APA style with no more than two formatting errors.




Points: 7

Title Page

·   Title is specific, concise and clearly describes the problem and/or intervention.

·   Title clearly indicates what the report is about.

·   Title avoids describing the results.

·   Title page is formatted according to APA style




Points: 8

Research Proposal

Introduction – Section One



Introduction Section

·   Does not provide the reader information of the phenomenon, topic, or problem proposed to investigate necessary to understand the purpose of the study and/or no introduction section.

·  Introduction section does not follow the guidelines of the text.


























Points: 0-6

Introduction Section

·   Provides the reader with limited or vague information of the phenomenon, topic, or problem proposed to investigate necessary to understand the purpose of the study and/or contains superfluous information.

·  The purpose of the report is not included in the first or second paragraph and/or is vaguely stated and/or assumes results.

·  Introduction section does not contain one or more of the following: background information, problem statement/purpose, research question(s), a rationale or justification for the study

·  Introduction section does not follow the guidelines of the text and APA style.





Points: 7

Introduction Section

·   Provides the reader with some of the information of the phenomenon, topic, or problem proposed to investigate necessary to understand the purpose of the study, without superfluous information.

·   Does not pique the readers’ interest. The purpose of the report is included in the first or second paragraph and does not assume results.

·   Introduction section contains background information, problem statement/purpose and research question(s) that does not assume results, a rationale or justification for the study

·   The introduction section follows the guidelines of the text and APA style.






Points: 8

Introduction Section

·   Provides the reader with all the information of the phenomenon, topic, or problem proposed to investigate necessary to understand the purpose of the study, without superfluous information.

·   Piques the readers’ interest and makes purpose of the report relevant. Clearly stated purpose of the report is included in the first or second paragraph and the purpose of the report does not assume results.

·   Introduction section contains detailed, well-articulated background information, problem statement/purpose that includes research question(s) that does not assume results, a rationale or justification for the study

·   The introduction section follows the guidelines of the text and APA style.

Points: 10

Research Proposal

Literature Review –

Section Two




Literature Review Section

·   The literature review section shows lack of evidence of synthesis of information on emerging trends and issues related to candidate’s topic that are likely to affect  school issues and leadership strategies.

·   The section did not introduce the reader to the major issues and themes learned from current research surrounding the study.

·   The findings of articles were not mentioned and/or themes were not identified and/or articles were only summarized and/or the review of the literature did not include a body.

·   There are fewer than two or no subtopic headings.

·   The introduction, body, or summary of the literature review is missing.

·   There is no literature review.


























Points: 0-5

Literature Review Section

·   The literature review section shows limited evidence of synthesis of information on emerging trends and issues related to candidate’s topic that are likely to affect school issues and leadership strategies.

·   The section provided the reader a limited introduction to the major issues and themes learned from current research surrounding the study; and/or there are 5 or fewer current scholarly references; and/or less than 4 of the references are peer-reviewed; and/or the articles/books used are not recognized as being scholarly.

·   The literature review exhibits a limited analysis of the research literature findings/conclusions; and/or lacks synthesis describing one piece of literature after another; and/or there are multiple direct quotations.

·   The findings of articles were mentioned with little and or no comparison or connection to each other and/or themes were not identified.

·   There are a minimum of 2 subheadings, but each subheading does not have at least 2 references and/or does not have at least one paragraph per subheading.

·   The review of the literature contains a limited introduction, body, and summary and follows the guidelines of the text and APA style.


Points: 6

Literature Review Section

·   The literature review section shows evidence of synthesis of information on emerging trends and issues related to the candidate’s topic that are likely to affect  school issues and leadership strategies.

·   The section introduced the reader to the major issues and themes learned from current research surrounding the study with at least 5 current scholarly references, including at least 4 research-based, peer reviewed studies.

·   The literature review exhibits analysis and synthesis of research literature findings/conclusions with logical transitions and relates clearly to focus of study. Direct quotations are rarely used.

·   The findings of articles were compared, contrasted and/or connected to each other and at least two themes identified.

·   There are a minimum of 2 subheadings with at least 2 references for each subheading and each subheading contains a minimum of 1 paragraphs. Most paragraphs within each subheading are concise, and relate to the subheading.

·   The review of the literature contains an introduction, body, and summary and follows the guidelines of the text and APA style.





Points: 7

Literature Review Section

·   The literature review section shows strong evidence of synthesis of information on emerging trends and issues related to the candidate’s topic that are likely to affect  school issues and leadership strategies.

·   The section clearly introduced the reader to the major issues and themes learned from current research surrounding the study with at least 5 current scholarly references, including 100% research-based, peer reviewed studies.

·   The literature review is well written, exhibits analysis and synthesis of research literature findings/conclusions with logical transitions and relates clearly to focus of study. Direct quotations are rarely used.

·   The findings/results of articles were thoughtfully compared, contrasted and/or connected to each other and at least two themes were identified.

·   There are a minimum of 2 subheadings with at least 2 references for each subheading and each subheading contains a minimum of 1 well-developed paragraph. All paragraphs within each subheading are concise, cohesive, and relate to the subheading.

·   The review of the literature contains a well-written introduction, body, and summary and follows the guidelines of the text and APA style.

Points: 8

Research Proposal

Methods Section –

Section Three



Design Section

·   Subjects/ Participants are not described.

·   The research design is not described

·   Procedures are incomplete and/or missing.

·   Data Collection methods are incomplete and/or missing.

·   Proposed data analysis are incomplete and/or missing.

·   The Design Section does not follow the guidelines of the text and APA style.













Points: 0-6

Design Section

·   Subjects/ Participants are vaguely described.

·   The research design is vaguely described, and procedures are vague and does not support replication.

·   Data Collection methods are vague and does not support replication.

·   The proposed data analysis is vague and does not support replication.

·   The Design Section follows the guidelines of the text and APA style.











Points: 7

Design Section

·   Subjects/ Participants are described.

·   A clear description of the research design is included, including specific and organized procedures so that the study can be replicated.

·   Data Collection methods are specific and organized

·   The proposed data analysis is specific and organized.

·   The Design Section follows the guidelines of the text and APA style.












Points: 8

Design Section

·   Subjects/participants are described in detail as well as specific processes for selecting them.

·   A thorough description of the research design is included, including comprehensive, specific and organized procedures so that the study can be replicated.

·   A thorough description of the methods used for data collection, including instruments, protocols, or other data collection materials.

·   The proposed data analysis is comprehensive, specific and organized.

·   The Design Section follows the guidelines of the text and APA style.

Points: 10

Research Proposal

Reference Page


Reference Section

·   There is no reference section, OR

·   There are less than 12 references that match text citations, OR

·   The Reference section does not follow the guidelines of the text and APA style..


















Points: 0-3

Reference Section

·       Most references chosen are not appropriate or scholarly with regard to the focus of the study.

·       There are at least 5 references, but all references are not current (less than 10 years old), and/or less than 100 % are peer-reviewed and/or all references are not scholarly.

·       References do not match text citations.

·       References are not formatted according to APA style (more than two errors).

·       Follows the guidelines of the text and APA style.

Points: 4

Reference Section

·   Some references chosen are not appropriate or scholarly with regard to the focus of the study.

·   There are at least 5 current scholarly references (no more than 10 years old), but less than 100 % are peer-reviewed.

·   References match text citations.

·   References are formatted according to APA style with no more than two APA errors.

·   The Reference section follows the guidelines of the text and APA style.





Points: 5

Reference Section

·   References chosen are appropriate and scholarly with regard to the focus of the study.

·   There are at least 5 current scholarly references (no more than 10 years old), at least 100 % are peer-reviewed.

·   References accurately match text citations – all cited sources in text are present in references and no references not cited in the body are present in the reference section.

·   References are correctly formatted according to APA style.

·   The Reference section follows the guidelines of the text and APA style.

Points: 6

Research Proposal

General Use of APA style and Clarity of Writing


General Use of APA style and Clarity of Writing

·   Surface errors disrupt the meaning of the paper and make the paper difficult to read.

·   Paper lacks well organized paragraphs.

·   Extensive proof-reading needed.

·   Does not adhere APA style.

·   In-text citations are not consistent with APA style.

·   Multiple problems with mechanics and grammar exist.

·   Numerous errors with spacing and formatting.




Points: 0-4

General Use of APA style and Clarity of Writing

·   Surface errors disrupt the meaning of the paper and make the paper difficult to read.

·   Some paragraphs well organized.

·   Many misappropriate word usage errors (effect vs affect)

·   Adheres to APA style inconsistently.

·   In-text citations may exist, but are not consistent with APA style.

·   Multiple problems with mechanics and grammar exist.

·   Numerous errors with spacing and formatting.


Points: 5

General Use of APA style and Clarity of


·   Paper read adequately.

·   Most paragraphs well organized.

·   Some misappropriate word usage errors (effect vs affect)

·   Adheres to APA style with minor violations.

·   Few problems with mechanics and grammar exist.

·   Some minor errors with spacing and formatting.










Points: 6

General Use of APA style and Clarity of Writing

·   Writing is very easy to understand, clear, and not vague.

·   Paragraphs well organized.

·   Appropriate word selection.

·   Adheres to APA style accurately and consistently; citations within the paper follow APA format.

·   Double-spaced throughout.

·   Pages are numbered correctly

·   The paper is typed in 12-point Times New Roman font.

·   The paper is polished and grammatically error free.

Points: 8



effects of heroin on the brain

effects of heroin on the brain

  • Description of the selected drug including the classification of the drug (Stimulant, Depressant, Opioid, or Hallucinogen) and specific characteristics of this classification.
  • Effects of the selected drug on the brain including neurotransmitters impacted and how are they impacted.
  • What are the short-term and long-term effects on sensation, perception, and consciousness?
  • What are the physical and psychological aspects of addiction to this drug?

Cite a minimum of two scholarly sources (i.e., the textbook, Topic 2

Resources, and articles located in the GU Library). In addition, for this paper, you may find websites, such as American Addictions Centers, National Institute on Drug Abuse, or Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) helpful. Cite information summarized from the sources within the paper (in-text citations) and include a full APA reference list for sources cited.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA

Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An APA template is attached.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources

Paper instructions

Talk about drug you choose a brief explanation of what paper is going to be about. Description of drug. Effects in brain. Perception, sensations and consciousness, long term abd shirts term.

Physical and Psychological aspects of addiction.

First paragraph introduction

2nd paragraph description of drug

3rd paragraph effects of selective drug on the brain including the neurotransmitter impacted, and how they’re impacted.

4th paragraph, long term and short term effects on perception, sensation and consciousness 5th physical and psychological aspects of addiction.


6th conclusion

6 paragraphs

Alexander Solzhenitsyn won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1970.


Alexander Solzhenitsyn won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1970.



Read the essay “A World Split Apart” by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.  What is he saying about the West?  Why does he say what he is saying?  What is the source of the problem?  What solutions does he give? Write an essay describing what you understand to be the key philosophical ideas in Solzhenitsyn’s speech and in what philosophers those ideas might be found ?  (Identify at least five key philosophical ideas and what might be their sources.)  What does he say about Soviet?  What are its weaknesses? What might Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas  and Nietzsche respond to what Solzhenitsyn says?  Do you agree or disagree with what Solzhenitsyn says and why?

Regarding Philosophy of Mind, discuss the role that Descartes had in how we think about mind today.

Regarding Philosophy of Mind, discuss the role that Descartes had in how we think about mind today.



It’s two questions and each question should be one page long. The first question speak on fallacies and anything to do with Aristotle it’s a philosophy class.

The second question is in the topic