critical essay

With the assigned audiovisual materials, write a critical essay following the instructions below:Starting from the inference that many Latin American countries have lived under policies, plans, and interests of certain countries in the region and/or the world, do you believe that the rhetoric that appears in the assigned videos is a response to the colonial matrix that has remained for centuries?On the other hand, given the largely negative consequences for Latin American, Andean, and indigenous peoples, do you believe that their struggles are becoming even more radical? What could be the most appropriate strategies for the peoples and governments to fight back, and what responses should interfering countries provide?Moreover, there is no doubt that these demands now have a greater geographical reach. Do you then believe that governments of Andean countries will be willing to renew their old concepts of democracy, nation, development, state, and civilizational project with new practices that help counter practices from free-market, global, capitalist, and neoliberal societies?Make a critical reading of the videos and develop your analysis of the possible changes and outcomes that Andean and Latin American peoples may experience through their struggles and demands.INSTRUCTIONS:The critical essay will be 6 pages long, including the bibliography. Double-spaced, font size 12.You must cite at least 3 additional bibliographic resources (papers) to support and argue your ideas.Citations must follow the MLA format.Late submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances, which is why you have ample time to develop your essay without any pressure.Submit the essay to me on Thursday, May 11th, before 9 am.

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PS Case Paper

PS Case Paper

You must use at least one quote from the attached link and use the information in it as a guide to the essay. You must also, find any recent case study, or legal development that connects to the information. This is the only outside source allowed in the essay.

  • must include at least one quote from course readings
  • must include one recent case or legal development
  • must be 500 words
This is the link needed for the course reading that needs to be in theessay. 

Law research paper

Law research paper

While we may think of the law as remote from our day-to-day lives, we hear and experience stories about the law regularly in the news media. Your final assignment is to find a news story or current event that involves a legal proceeding or dispute and research the underlying legal issues, including a summary of the proceeding or controversy, identifying the relevant laws using primary sources, critical legal issues involved in the dispute, and what the resolution of the dispute means both to the parties and to businesses at large.
The audience for this assignment would be a supervisor at your workplace who wants to understand the issues around a particular law to make a business or management-level decision about an issue related to your topic and is considering retaining legal counsel for a more detailed discussion.
This assignment will demonstrate your ability to identify and summarize significant legal issues related to current events, research legal issues using a combination of primary and secondary sources, and explain those legal concepts in terms accessible to persons familiar with business issues and the legal system.
Substantive Requirements:
* Your paper should identify the legal issues related to a legal event and provide sufficient context and analysis to make the legal issues understandable and accessible to a non-legal professional.
* The paper must include a bibliography that cites a variety of both primary (such as cases, statutes, or regulations) and secondary (scholarly articles, periodicals, websites, and blog posts) sources. You may use the citation style of your choice (e.g., APA, Chicago Style Manual, MLA)
* The paper should be between 2,200 and 2,700 words in length (excluding the bibliography)

Formatting Requirements:
* Your paper should be submitted in Word format, using 1-inch margins, 12-point type, and double-spaced lines and paragraphs.
* Include a separate cover sheet with
* Your name
* the class name, class, and section number (BUS 301-05 – Business Law)
* the semester (Spring 2023)
my name (Professor Monroe); and
* The total word count of your paper (excluding bibliography).

this is the outline with the primary and secondary sources

The main database is Nexislaw

Write an research essay on the unique artwork of sculptor Kane Kwei (coffins) and his descendants. Kane Kwei began creating coffins for the nouveau riche in Ghana in the 1950s.

Write an research essay on the unique artwork of sculptor Kane Kwei (coffins) and his descendants. Kane Kwei began creating coffins for the nouveau riche in Ghana in the 1950s.

Briefly describe the object’s original context and intended function through library research. Next, focus on one or two things that can be learned about this culture from this art object (consider belief system,

gender, political structure, economic structure, patronage, aesthetic design, etc.). This research must go beyond what you learned from class lectures and readings.

Lastly, consider what happens to this object once it is bought and sold and ends up in a gallery, museum,

the home of a collector, or on a tourist’s body. Address how this object’s meaning shifts once it leaves its

original context.

This paper should be 4-5 pages long, typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, free of all spelling and grammatical errors, no plagiarism, and with a clear, well-supported thesis. The bibliography of sources should follow the Chicago Style format and include at least two peer-reviewed articles or books (like African Arts Journal). Please submit it in the Canvas folder in DOCX format.

Please use this as one of the sources:

A realistic Mercedes-Benz in a gallery of African Art elicits many reactions. “What is it doing here?” is usually the first question. Children are often quite vocal about wanting to know, now. Adult dealers, particularly teachers, look for the label. When they read the car is a coffin, they notice that it’s cut in two horizontally and just big enough to hold the recumbent body. Next question hangs in the air: “Why is an empty fully functional coffin considered art?”

For southern Ghanaian observers, it isn’t art. Coffins are a necessity, provided to honor the deceased and assist them in their transition into the next life. Coffins are ordered from workshop when a member of a wealthy family is nearing death. One of several shops is called Six-Foot Enterprises, where the coffin carver Paa Joe keeps photographs of the coffins ordered by other families. The number of selections grows each year. The deceased person’s profession or role in the community often determines the image.

Ghanaians order coffins not for display but to hold the body of the deceased and convey it to a lavish burial ceremony. Such custom-made coffins are a 50 year-old tradition whose inspiration can be traced to the special role the dead have among the Ga people. M.J. Fields documented how the influence of the dead was felt. Every time people ate or drank, they offered a portion to the ground for their forefathers. Whenever an oath was sworn, it was uttered in the name of the dead. When asked about their personal history, people were guarded in speaking of their predecessors.   Field cited the word gblamo as an underlying explanation for this sense of the dead. Gblamo means ‘reincarnation,’ and is the name of the vine that twines around a post. The most visible expression of this belief in life’s reccurring cycle came during funerals, when the dead were treated to as much opulence as a family could afford. Their bodies were laid out in fancy imported bed linens and adorned with gold ornaments. The house is open for a week, and wine and rum were provided for visitors. After friends and relatives had paid their respects, the deceased would be placed in the basket or wood coffin and carried around town for a goodbye. Once buried, the dead were believed to wander many days before crossing a river to a place from which they can observe the living and intervene on occasion.

Ghana became independent in 1957 and launched an area of industrial growth. The massive damn being constructed on the Volta River gave new work to Ghanaians. Kane Quaye established a workshop on the road from the capital of Accra to the new port, Tampa. Suddenly, the lavish burials that had once been the privilege of chiefs alone were now much more commonplace. Coffins were so much demand that Paa Joe, Quaye’s apprentice, remembers, “We worked day and night! We made Chevrolets, cocoa pods, whales, canoes.” This boom had been in effect for more than 10 years when an American art dealer commissioned seven coffins for display in her gallery in 1973. In a 1974 article, she called them “fantasy coffins” and remarked how they resembled “oversized toys”, but marked a “somber occasion with a gesture that is cheerfully confident and personally expressive.” In a 1995 catalog for Neiman Marcus, the lead line asks, “How about a chili pepper for the living room or fish for the garden?” Instead of emphasizing what they are for, the catalogue calls the coffins “more fun than any little decorative figurine.”

Excerpts from Pamela McClusky “Riding into the Next Life: A Mercedes-Benz Coffin” in Art from Africa. Long Steps Never Broke a Back. Seattle Art Museum, Princeton University, Press, 2002: 245-251.

Write an essay that discusses the literary merits of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. You must discuss the meaning of the novella as a whole.

Write an essay that discusses the literary merits of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. You must discuss the meaning of the novella as a whole.

Using the various criticisms on the topic, mentioned below, write an essay that discusses the literary merits of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. While you may wish to address literary elements, such as characterization, plot, and use of language, you must discuss the meaning of the novella as a whole. This paper should be around 900 words.

The 2 sources you may get citation and evidence from are “Hunt Hawkins – Heart of Darkness and Racism” AND “Achebe, Chinua – An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness,” by the Massachusetts Review.




The essay can on any 1 option from below.

History of Schooling in the U.S

    • Common Schools.
    • Indigenous/Native American/First Nation History.
      1. Assimilation.
      2. Acculturation.
    1. Education, Society, and the National Workforce.
  1. Educational Movements.
    1. Community Control of Schools.
    2. Language Rights.
    3. Weeksville, Brooklyn.
    4. United Bronx Parents.
  2. Court Cases.
    1. Brown v. Education.
    2. Mendez v. Westminster.
    3. Pleggy v Ferguson.
    4. ASPIRA v. Board of Education.

psych of human sexuality

psych of human sexuality


Study Guide Final Exam

Just like the midterm, study the prompts from lecture as well as the readings listed.  For readings, just like last time, all I would ask about are the main findings or most important points:

Lecture – Sexual Health:

What do we mean when we say sexual health, what all does that encompass, do we just mean the absence of disease?

How can knowledge of what makes our body healthy or sexy be socially constructed?

What cognitive changes occur for someone who is suffering from anorexia (meaning distinct changes that happen for anorexics and not just from malnutrition)?

How does bulimia differ from anorexia nervosa?

What is meant by a health disparity?

Gil‐Llario, M. D., Morell‐Mengual, V., Ballester‐Arnal, R., & Díaz‐Rodríguez, I. (2018). The experience of sexuality in adults with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research62(1), 72-80.

Cohn, L., Murray, S. B., Walen, A., & Wooldridge, T. (2016). Including the excluded: Males and gender minorities in eating disorder prevention. Eating Disorders24(1), 114-120.


Lecture -Sex Work, Ethics, and the law/Sexually explicit materials–

What is the difference between erotica and pornography?

Why do we now use the term sex work to describe prostitution?

If I said 100% of sex workers performed their job on the street, are addicted to drugs, and were coerced into the work at a very young age, what would be incorrect about that statement and why?

Rubini, M., Roncarati, A., Ravenna, M., Albarello, F., Moscatelli, S., & Semin, G. R. (2017). Denying psychological properties of girls and prostitutes: The role of verbal insults. Journal of Language and Social Psychology36(2), 226-240.

Pederson, A. C., Stenersen, M. R., & Bridges, S. K. (2019). Toward affirming therapy: What sex workers want and need from mental health providers. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 0022167819867767.


Lecture – contraception/pregnancy

Why should individuals taking hormonal contraceptives to prevent pregnancy combine them with other forms of contraception, particularly if they aren’t in a stable long-term relationship but are still sexually active?

Should just one, or both partners be involved in discussing/using contraception, and why?

Is plan B (the morning after pill) a form of abortion, why or why not?

Do people still feel sexual/horny during pregnancy? If they do have sex what kind of changes to their sex behavior might be necessary?

Wang, T., Lurie, M., Govindasamy, D., & Mathews, C. (2018). The effects of school-based condom availability programs (CAPs) on condom acquisition, use and sexual behavior: A systematic review. AIDS and Behavior22(1), 308-320.

Grose, R. G., Grabe, S., & Kohfeldt, D. (2014). Sexual education, gender ideology, and youth sexual empowerment. The Journal of Sex Research51(7), 742-753.


Lecture – sexual harassment, aggression, and abuse

List three myths about sexual assault and correct those myths with reality/fact

If rape has a lower false report rate than theft and burglary, why do you think people so often doubt the claims of rape victims/survivors? (hint, knowing the myths helps to answer this question)

What can you do to help someone who is a survivor of sexual abuse/assault?

Mendes, K., Ringrose, J., & Keller, J. (2018). # MeToo and the promise and pitfalls of challenging rape culture through digital feminist activism. European Journal of Women’s Studies25(2), 236-246.

Mitchell, K. J., Ybarra, M. L., & Korchmaros, J. D. (2014). Sexual harassment among adolescents of different sexual orientations and gender identities. Child abuse & neglect38(2), 280-295.


Lecture – HIV

What was the original name for HIV, and did it lead to any negative consequences?

How are outcomes for women who have HIV different than outcomes for men, and why might that be?

What is PrEP, and how can it help to prevent HIV infection?

Nyblade, L., Stangl, A., Weiss, E., & Ashburn, K. (2009). Combating HIV stigma in health care settings: what works?. Journal of the international AIDS Society12(1), 1-7.


Research methods are used frequently in nursing can be classified in different ways. Discuss the classification of research methodologies used in nursing research

Research methods are used frequently in nursing can be classified in different ways. Discuss the classification of research methodologies used in nursing research

College Student Mental Health

College Student Mental Health

Please prepare and submit a comprehensive research report, including:

  • primary research and methodology
  • secondary citations as needed
  • tables/charts/graphs and analysis

Refresher on Citations (Links to an external site.). MLA or APA formatting is acceptable.

Recommended outline:

  • Introduction and overview of your topic (1/2 – 1 page)
  • Background information and secondary source material, with citations (1-2 pages)
  • Research methods/strategy – describe how you did the primary research (1/2 – 1 page)
  • Provide one sample questionnaire, and fill in the number of people who selected each choice under each question.You don’t need to attach all questionnaires. (Length varies.)
  • Prepare tables, charts, graphs to visually represent your data. You don’t need a chart for each question. Choose the questions most relevant to your discussion. The recommendation is 6-10 charts/graphs. Use a variety of charts and graphs to give the best representation of your data. (Avoid using all pie charts.) You may put more than one graph per page (3-4 pages).
  • Analysis. It is not enough to merely summarize your findings. Look for patterns and trends, and discuss your understanding of the data in detail. What did you learn from the research? (2 – 3 pages)
  • Conclusion, including your original thinking on this topic. Based on your research, what are your insights and recommendations? (1 page

Moving Forward in Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Flurpiridaz vs. The Field

Moving Forward in Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Flurpiridaz vs. The Field

Thesis SectionCriteria
  • Topic is appropriate for the scope of the ASRT Journal.
  • Thesis validates the body of knowledge.
  • Thesis adds to the body of knowledge.
  • Thesis builds on prior research.
  • The title clearly states the purpose of the thesis.
Introduction and Background
  • Presents relevant background material.
  • Provides context and explains as if reader does not understand specificcontent area.
  • Presents relevance to practice.
Statement of the Problem
  • States the problem or need.
  • Support statement of the problem with sources.
Significance of the Problem
  • Clearly states the significance and backs it up with sources.
  • Explains why the problem needs to be addressed.
Purpose of the Study
  • Clearly describes the purpose of the thesis.
  • State what will be accomplished by completing this study.
Research Questions
  • Research questions are presented.
Limitations and Delimitations
  • Describes the shortcomings or influences that cannot be controlled bythe researcher (Limitations).
  • Describes the boundaries that are set by the researcher in order tocontrol the range of the study (Delimitations).
  • Summarizes introduction section and restates the problem and purposeof the thesis.
Review of Literature
  • Provides definition of terms.
  • Introduces the areas/topics that were explored in the review ofliterature.
  • Introduces the themes and subtopics that relate to the research problem.
  • Incorporates previously published work to address key points of themanuscript.
  • Provides historical perspective of the topic.
  • Includes key aspects of the topic.
  • Discusses specific literature to provide background on what studieshave already been done on the topic, what results were found, etc.
  • Is organized into Subtopics/themes
  • Summarizes the themes and results found from previous literature.
  • States assumptions.
Methods and Procedures
  • Restates the purpose of the study and aim of the research.
  • States the study methodology that will be used and why it is the most appropriate approach.
  • Discusses permissions that will be needed prior to beginning data collection (IRB).
  • Discusses consent and how it will be obtained from participants.
  • Describes how each research question will be addressed in detail.
  • Includes level of detail required to replicate study.
Population and Participants
  • Describes in detail the population of interest.
  • Describes the specific participants that will be recruited for and included in this study.
  • Provides justification for the population chosen and recruitment procedures.
  • Includes rationale for inclusion and exclusion criteria.
  • Discuss what methods will be used to collect data.
  • Describes in detail what instruments will be used to gather data (provide instruments as figures or tables in the appendix section).
  • Discusses literature search strategies including databases and MeSH terms.
Data Collection
  • Describes the step-by-step process the researcher will go through to collect the data.
Data Analysis Plan
  • Specifically state what statistical tests will be used to answer each research question.
  • Describe how the data will be organized into variables for data analysis.
Validity and Reliability
  • Explanation of how will you ensure that your content is valid and reliable.
References and Appendices
  • Minimum of 10 references required.
  • All references in the reference section must be discussed in the thesis.
  • References are timely (must be within 10 years) or historically significant.
  • Appropriately support the material presented.
  • References are correctly cited in both the text and reference list.
  • Includes figures and tables of sufficient quality.
  • Includes a sufficient number of figures and illustrations.
Page Requirements, Style, Grammar/Spelling, Format
  • Minimum of 10 pages of content (not including the title page, reference page(s) or appendices.
  • Uses appropriate and current terminology.
  • Uses appropriate headings.
  • Free of redundancy.
  • Follows APA 7th Edition formatting.