Vermont State and COVID 19

Vermont State and COVID 19

Now that you have written your Case Study about the healthcare delivery system of a state or U.S. Territory, you will conduct a SWOT analysis on how your state or U.S. Territory has handled or continues to handle the COVID-19 pandemic. ***(Previous case study about the healthcare delivery system of Vermont state is attached in the file. You will use it as a reference and guidance to complete this assignment about Vermont state and COVID-19).
SWOT analyses are often done on a company or department. It’s an inventory of how your organization is performing. This means identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. So, how is your state’s handling of the pandemic? Do an analysis.
Lastly, finish this off with a cost/benefits analysis based on which quadrant dominates.
SWOT Analysis:
How did your state or U.S. Territory manage the COVID-19 pandemic?
Conduct a SWOT analysis based on the topic on which your Case Study was written. How did your assigned state or U.S. Territory manage the COVID-19 pandemic? Consider, but not limited to, how did your state or U.S. Territory manage long-term care facilities, quarantine, business closures, hospitalization, testing, at-risk residents, and/or access to care? Apply your SWOT analysis on any one or multiple issues.
There are ethical, economic, social, and health consequences to your state’s management of healthcare. Fully explore one consequence of each quadrant (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) and include evidence-based data on the impact supporting your claims.
You must use external sources for each part of this five-part assignment. Use the template provided, which is attached to the files. Each quadrant should be at least one robust paragraph. 
You may use resources from your Case Study; however, you may not quote or cut and paste from your last assignment. All writing must be original. This means, do not use any quotes. Summarize and cite! 
 ***(Previous case study about the healthcare delivery system of Vermont state is attached in the file. You will use it as a reference and guidance to complete this assignment about Vermont state and COVID-19).
Cost/Benefit Analysis
  1. Step 1: Understand the cost of maintaining the status quo. …
  2. Step 2: Identify costs. …
  3. Step 3: Identify benefits. …
  4. Step 4: Assign a monetary value to the costs and benefits. …
  5. Step 5: Create a timeline for expected costs and revenue. …
  6. Step 6: Compare costs and benefits.

In this assignment you will research select national patient safety goals

In this assignment you will research select national patient safety goals

Research Paper Format:

  • 4 pages in length, including Title and Reference pages.
  • Concise and to the point. – Less is always more! Quality over quantity!
  • APA format
  • Final paper should be uploaded to Canvas no later than 11:59 p.m. on the date due


  • Title Page in APA Format – 5 points
  • Introduction – 20 points
    • State the National Patient Safety goals you have researched, the background on this problem, and why it is important for patients and nurses to follow this goal.
  • Body of the Paper – 52 points
    • Review the 4 nursing journal articles on your assigned National Patient Safety Goal. The 4 articles must be no more than 5 years old 2012-2018.  Databases and resources may be accessed through the Plaza Library.  Other online resources are available, however, you should ensure that they are appropriate and educational.
    • You should provide a brief synopsis of each article, stating its main purpose and how it relates to the National Patient Safety goals you have chosen.
  • Conclusion – 15 points
    • Wrap up what you have read and why it is so important to healthcare/nursing.
  • Reference Page – 8 points
    • Cite all references in APA format. At least 2 references must be peer-reviewed.

Gender, Sensation & Perception


link to human senses:
Shaping the World We Live In
The internet can be used to do your own research about how the world we live in is shaped by what we sense and what we perceive. Go to the link The Human Senses. Read and complete each experiment- Vision (Rods & Cones, The Blind Spot, and After images), Taste and Smell (Effect of Smell on Taste), Touch (Temperature Perception), and Hearing and Balance (Orienting to Sound & Balance and Vision). In an essay respond to the following questions from the experiments. Include a title page and reference page. Include in the essay, support for your findings and questions responses.
Vision: Rods and Cones- Respond to the questions for each experiment.
Experiment 1
Experiment 2
Vision: The Blind Spot- Respond to the questions for each experiment
Experiment 1
Experiment 2
Vision: Afterimages- Respond to questions
Taste & Smell – Respond to the questions
Touch- Respond to the questions
Temperature Perception
Hearing and Balance- Respond to the questions
Orienting to sound
Balance and vision
Assignment Expectations
Length: 1250-1750 words
Structure: Include a title page and a reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimal word count for the assignment.
References: The course assigned text and a minimum of three additional references from the Aspen Library or other peer reviewed article to support your claims.
Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx)
File name: Name your saved file according to your last name, first initial and the week (for example, jonesj_week1.
Submission: Submit your file to the drop box.

communicating effectively in a mediated world

Communicating effectively in a mediated world

Chapters 5, 6, 7
de Janasz, S., Dowd, K., & Schneider, B. (2021). Interpersonal skills in organizations (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9781264072842
Consider what you learned about the significance of effective mediated communication. With so much communication occurring on-line today – in fact, it’s not unusual to find people in adjacent offices using email to communicate to one another – what are some ways to ensure your message is received as it was intended?
Begin your discussion by reading your assigned chapter and conducting additional research in the Keiser University Online Library on the significance of effective mediated communication. Share what you learned by synthesizing your research into your own words and citing your sources. At the minimum, you should cite your textbook and one additional scholarly source.
Next, offer a personal connection by discussing ways to ensure the message you are sending via mediated channels is received as it was intended. Develop your examples and supporting evidence thoroughly.
Complete your discussion by exploring how you might use the knowledge from this topic in your future professional and personal communication.
NOTE: Remember that your discussion response must include the following:
A reflection on the concept we are discussing. Give us a summary of things you learned about this concept from your assigned chapter readings and additional scholarly research.
A thorough example/discussion to support your reflection.
A final statement that tells us what you take away from this week’s lesson.
Properly formatted in-text citations and references.
Strong grammar, spelling, and mechanics.
In total, your discussion should be at least 350 words.

How does incarceration impact families?


My research question is “How does incarceration impact families?” but I want to mainly focus on the mental and psychological aspects of it. 

Below I have copy and pasted the prompt for this literature review..

I have also attached my MRQ and an example of what the format should look like *from a previous student* 


Introduction: This is a revised version of your MRQ describing the question your paper will answer and why the answer to this question is important for policymakers or practitioners. You should have a clear thesis statement and a sentence or two mapping out your main points toward the end of your introduction.


Literature review: Your literature review should summarize, synthesize and analyze peer-reviewed academic articles or books in order to present scholarly perspectives that help answer your research question. Your lit review should be organized with sub-claims. Each sub-claim should have corresponding evidence from your library research. Remember to paraphrase and analyze in your own words, rather than relying on a bunch of long quotations.

Your paper must include in-text citations in APA style. When you paraphrase, cite the author name and year of publication in text. When you include a direct quotation of three or more words from a source, be sure to include “direct quotation” (author name year of publication: pg #).


Conclusion: This is your chance to tell readers what your research will contribute to criminal justice studies knowledge. You can draw from your MRQ to discuss why criminal justice practitioners, service providers, or policymakers could learn from your findings, and what changes they might make as a result. How might the answer to your question inform policy? How could service providers or criminal justice system professionals use the results of your research in their daily work? How might the answer to your research question change the practices of a group or groups of people? Focus on concrete policy recommendations.


References: List all of the sources you cite, in APA style. You must have 8 sources, including 4 peer-reviewed sources. This means academic journal articles or books, not only newspaper articles, blog posts, think tank or policy advocacy reports etc. You can include additional peer-reviewed or other credible sources (including news media) for a total of 8 sources cited in your references list.

Below are the references I would like to use for my literature review essay.

I have also attached my “MRQ”

Reference list:

1. Armstrong, Eggins, E., Reid, N., Harnett, P., & Dawe, S. (2018). Parenting interventions for incarcerated parents to improve parenting knowledge and skills, parent well-being, and quality of the parent–child relationship: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 14(3), 279–317.

2. Davis, & Shlafer, R. J. (2017). Mental health of adolescents with currently and formerly incarcerated parents. Journal of Adolescence (London, England.), 54(1), 120–134.

3. Harvey, S. A. (2020, June 19). My dad went to prison when I was 5. now I write about families like mine. The Marshall Project.

4. Martin, E., policy)., A. P. (see reuse, & About the author    Eric Martin is a social science analyst in NIJ’s Office of Research and Evaluation. (n.d.). Hidden consequences: The impact of incarceration on Dependent Children. National Institute of Justice.

5. Murray, J., Farrington, D. P., & Sekol, I. (2012). Children’s antisocial behavior, mental health, drug use, and educational performance after parental incarceration: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 138(2), 175-210.

6. Parents’ imprisonment linked to children’s health, Behavioral Problems. PRB. (n.d.).

7. Poehlmann, Dallaire, D., Loper, A. B., & Shear, L. D. (2010). Children’s Contact With Their Incarcerated Parents: Research Findings and Recommendations. The American Psychologist, 65(6), 575–598.

8. Wilson, K., Gonzalez, P., Romero, T., Henry, K., & Cerbana, C. (2010). The Effectiveness of Parent Education for Incarcerated Parents: An Evaluation of Parenting from Prison. Journal of Correctional Education, 61(2), 114-132.

21st Centuray Corporate Social Responsibility

Prior to beginning your assignment, read chapter 2 of the textbook (Gonzalez-Padron 2015) and the article, corporate social responsibility in the 21st-century: a view from the worlds most successful firms (Snider, Jamie)
Using the “hundred best companies to work for” list, choose an organization that has their corporate social responsibility (CSR) statement, vision, and mission statements available on the website.
– Quote the statement describes what does means in your own words.
– Research a recent article, an organization that is related to the current or future CSR activities.
– Describe how the new plan to affect the organization, both internally and externally.
– Developing an idea for the new CSR endeavor for the organization based on the organizations, mission and vision.
The 21st Century Corporate Social Responsibility paper
– Must be 3-4 double spaced pages
Below sources must be used: they are attached
-Gonzalez-Padron 2015 (Chapter 2)
-Snider, Jamie
-Fortune 100 best companies to work for
Fortune. (n.d.). 100 best companies to work for
Links to an external site.

Critique analytic methods to critically appraise existing literature and other evidence to determine and implement the best evidence for practice

Please consider how you have developed the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable your achievement of the Course Goals listed in the syllabus. Then write a minimum of a 1000 word APA-style essay reflecting on how this course has helped you achieve these goals.


Course Goals

By the conclusion of this course, student will be able to:

  1. Critique analytic methods to critically appraise existing literature and other evidence to determine and implement the best evidence for practice.
  2. Design and implement processes to evaluate outcomes of practice, practice patterns, and systems of care within a practice setting, health care organization, or community against national benchmarks to determine variances in practice outcomes and population trends.
  3. Design, direct, and evaluate quality improvement methodologies to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered care.
  4. Apply relevant findings to develop practice guidelines and improve practice and the practice environment.
  5. Apply information technology and research methods appropriately to:
    1. collect appropriate and accurate data to generate evidence for nursing practice
    2. inform and guide the design of databases that generate meaningful evidence for nursing practice
    3. analyze data from practice
    4. design evidence-based interventions
    5. predict and analyze outcomes
    6. examine patterns of behavior and outcomes
    7. identify gaps in evidence for practice
  6. Function as a practice specialist/consultant in collaborative knowledge-generating research.
  7. Disseminate findings from evidence-based practice and research to improve healthcare outcomes.



Your paper should include the underlined items below as section headings.

APA 7th edition Title page:
This is a separate page by itself, with the following information centered in the middle of the page: course title, paper title, student’s name, instructor’s name, and date.
Description of Pathology:
Start the paper on a new page.
In this section, you will describe the pathology (statistics about it, background information, etc.). Give as much information as you can about it but be sure it is relevant information and not just filler. It should be a comprehensive introductory section of the condition in one to two paragraphs.
Normal anatomy of the major body system affected: In this section, you will describe what is considered normal anatomy for your particular pathophysiology. For example, if you are discussing a disease related to the brain, explain what is normal for the brain from an anatomical standpoint. You should show comprehensive knowledge of the fundamental concepts and communicate information using scientific vocabulary. There should be little to no discussion of the condition itself in this section.
Normal physiology of the major body system affected: In this section, you will be discussing physiology. Keep in mind that when describing physiology, it isn’t enough to merely provide a list of functions of the body system (Ex: Neurons send signals throughout the body), instead, you need to be able to describe how it does it. The how is the physiology. There should be little to no discussion of the condition itself in this section
Mechanism of Pathophysiology: This section is likely going to be the most in-depth and longest section. In this section, you will explain your particular pathophysiology from a scientific standpoint. In the previous two sections, you explained what is considered normal, in this section, you should describe what the pathophysiology is doing that is causing these issues, how the normal anatomy & physiology is affected/different in a person with your condition. You should show a thorough understanding of the anatomical and physiological changes contributing to the disease. Some good keywords to search for when doing your research might be “Pathology of __________”, Pathophysiology of __________.”
Prevention: In this section, you will explain how your pathophysiology could be prevented. This should outline possible prevention protocols, or clearly indicate if none is available based on the current scientific literature.
Treatment: In this section, you will explain how your pathophysiology is commonly treated. Provide possible treatment protocols for the condition based on current scientific literature. Be sure to bring in nursing relevant information and how you might be involved in the treatment of the condition.
Conclusion: Finally you should summarize your findings. All good research papers should include a conclusion where you wrap up and summarize all of the important points made in your paper.
As with the Title page, this should be a separate page by itself.
All references should be included in correct and complete APA format.
All references must be cited appropriately in the paper using APA-style in-text citations.
A minimum of three reputable sources are required for this assignment.

Democratizing content publication with Coral

Write a technical paper, 5 pages long (not counting any code, figures, or references). The topic of the paper is the article “Democratizing content publication with Coral,” included as an attachment. Please use a few other sources as well, for other perspectives. Talk about the benefits and downsides of Coral and systems like it, the details of implementation, the current and future state of Coral and other peer to peer publication systems, and fill space with anything else important thats included in the article or other sources. This is for Algorithm Analysis class, so keep that frame of reference in  mind.

Should we realistically expect solutions to complex world problems from teens and twenty-something rappers and musician of today?

Paper will be submitted via Turnitin on Moodle.

12 page minimum; no maximum
Essay Topics:
Should we realistically expect solutions to complex world problems from teens and twenty-something rappers and musician of today?
Essay Criteria:
Quality of Writing/Length
Topics need examples and/or thorough explanations; proofed and edited by YOU Clarity of Subject-(Is It Understandable?)
Intent of Paper-
(Preparation; Integrity; Plagiarized or Not? Inspired thought or Uninspired?)
1. Writing must be focused on chosen topic and based on facts, not personal
2. The “cut and paste” effect will have a negative impact on the final score of the essay.
(Abstract your “wiki” research into a unique statement; it’s not that difficult to do; and it reinforces the material)
3. Spelling, Run- On sentences, Grammar, Proofing
(Strive for quality of thought and write in complete sentences; run spell check and grammar check, take pride in your writing)
Chicago Style formatting is suggested.
About writing the paper:
Be careful to avoid colloquial English. Use an academic or scientific writing style. Colloquial means ‘casual or slang language’ For example. don’t say: “I think that…” say “research has shown that…” and then add your citation. Don’t say “let’s begin with…”. Read a couple of academic papers to get the feel of what’s required. You don’t have to follow the format of an academic paper just write about the subject (that relates to CBUM) and offer some insights and show that you have researched it. Minimum 3000 words (never mind the number of page numbers that are mentioned in the Formatting Guidelines – less than 3000 words will cost you marks. More than 3200 will also cost you – this is different from what the guidelines say!
Note that in Chicago Style the last name of the author comes first then a comma and the first name. You can always find an author – everything was written by a person, and they should be acknowledged. Here is an example: Anderson, Leon. 1999. “The open road to ethnology’s future.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnology 451-59.
Times New Roman font – double-spaced. 3000 words to 3200 words, Indent paragraphs. DO use paragraphs – a page-long paragraph is difficult to read. This is just good writing practice.
Use good grammar. If the grammar is weak your mark will be weak. I strongly suggest that you use Grammarly or the grammar check in Word to check your writing.