Explain how the ergonomics team can work together to help Amy with her current workstation. Include a possible suggestion to improve Amy’s workstation as part of your discussion.

Amy, who works as a cashier in a big-box store, works 8-hour shifts but is often asked to work overtime for up to 4 hours. Amy is now experiencing knee, hip, and lower back pain after working.You have been asked to assemble a team to address the ergonomics issues Amy is facing and to explain a possible solution. Your assignment should meet the following criteria:

  1. Identify and explain the different roles within the team (you may use bullets for this section).
  2. Explain how the ergonomics team can work together to help Amy with her current workstation. Include a possible suggestion to improve Amy’s workstation as part of your discussion.
  3. Explain why it is important for the ergonomics team to implement a plan that considers potential discrimination or disability issues for other employees.

This assignment should be at least two pages in length. Outside sources are not a requirement for this assignment. You are expected to complete this assignment based upon your reading, experience, and opinions.

Communication Style Case Study

Communication Style Case Study

Use Case Study: Communication Style Match in Chapter 3 of your Interprofessional Health Care Team text and the results from your communication assignment to complete this discussion.

Describe how you would communicate with team members in your discipline who exhibit each of the four communication styles. Incorporate the concepts from The Johari Window as described in your text.

Be sure to include at least three APA-formatted citation (in-text plus full reference). The citation may be from any outside source.








Members of the interprofessional team on a geriatric unit (physician, nurse, physical therapist, occupational therapist, and social worker) are meeting to discuss patient safety on the unit. During the previous quarter, falls increased by 10%. Analysis of the incident reports indicates that an examination of the fall prevention program that is offered jointly by nursing, physical therapy, and occupational therapy is indicated. The team is meeting with the goal of designing a revised fall prevention program for the unit. The proposed program will need to be based in the most current evidence, ensure the safety of the patients, and be cost effective. All four styles of communication noted previously in this chapter—action oriented (physician and physical therapist), process oriented (occupational therapist), people oriented (social worker), and idea oriented (nurse)—are represented. The leader (in this case, it is the physical therapist) is an identified action-oriented communicator. In preparation for the first meeting, she reviews strategies for adjusting her communication style to the team members and prepares her opening remarks. Her remarks might vary depending on how she perceives the other members of the group. She lists pointers for addressing the others based on their communication styles, along with alternate statements for each type.




Focus on the results first.


State your best recommendation.


Emphasize the practicality of your idea.


At the first meeting, if the other members are action oriented, the physical therapist might say, “The purpose of this group is to address the increased number of falls on the unit this last quarter. We need to revise the fall prevention program that is currently offered. I recommend that we construct a program around the three components that have been identified in the literature. Developing a fall prevention program that includes exercise, fall prevention, and environmental components is the most effective focus.”




State the facts.


Present your thoughts in a logical manner.


Include options with pros and cons.


Do not rush the person.


If the other members are process oriented, the physical therapist might say, “The purpose of this group is to address the increased number of falls on the unit this last quarter. We need to revise the fall prevention program that is currently offered. One option that we may choose to pursue is to do a literature review on the efficacy of fall prevention and develop a custom program for our unit. We may also explore the option of purchasing existing modules. What are your thoughts?”




Allow for small talk at the beginning of a session.


Stress the relationship between the proposal and the people concerned.


Show how the idea worked well in the past.


Show respect for people.


The physical therapist might say to such a group, “The purpose of this group is to address the increased number of falls on the unit this last quarter. Each of you has been chosen for this team because of your demonstrated commitment to patient safety. You are the experts in the day-to-day care of our patients. One area that we may need to consider is a revision of the fall prevention program that we currently offer. Institutions that are similar to ours have reported great success in reducing patient falls using a combination of exercise, addressing fear of falling, and modifying the environment.”




Allow enough time for discussion.


Do not get impatient when they go off on tangents.


Be broad and conceptual in your opening.


The physical therapist could address this type of group by saying, “As key staff members on this geriatric unit, you have demonstrated your commitment to patient safety. I have asked each of you to be a member of this team because we have yet another safety concern. The purpose of this group is to address the increased number of falls on the unit this last quarter. We need to revise the fall prevention program that is currently offered. Yes, the plan for tornado drills has been effective. Is there anything that we learned during the development and implementation of the tornado drill policy that we can bring to the creation of a fall prevention program?”


By acknowledging the presence of a variety of communication styles and adjusting her approach, this leader has demonstrated respect for team members and hopefully avoided potential problems in team communication at the beginning of this important project.

Assignment 2, Clinical Example 5

Assignment 2, Clinical Example 5


https://www.bacb.com/wp-content/uploads/RBT-2nd-Edition-Task-List_181214.pdfLinks to an external site.

Currently, one of the main responsibilities of BCBAs ® is to train Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs).  For this assignment, you will be required to design a behavior skills training protocol to train a technician in one of the skills identified on the BACB ® RBT Task List listed above. You will upload a power point of the assigned training task with narration if possible.  The power point should provide an overview of the task and steps needed to demonstrate proficiency.


For example,  if you select Measurement A-01 Prepare for Data Collection, you will create a quick power point that outlines the steps needed to prepare for data collection, helpful hints to ensure one is prepared, discussion of paper versus electronic data depending on what they will be doing, importance of having needed materials organized for the client, importance of set up of the enviornment to make data collection easy, and how that can also impact accuracy etc.  Therefore, only a few slides are needed and they should be focused.

Power Points will be graded solely on content of the training and not on use of graphics.  Please be sure the first slide you use states which aspect of the RBT task list you are utilizing.

appropriate documentation

Why is appropriate documentation so important?  What is the purpose of data, graphs, and how to they guide treatment selection?

Assignment 1, Discussion 14

Medical data is a very vital service piece for both clients/patients and practitioners. They
document the health, medical needs, well-being, medical necessity, plan of care, and treatments
rendered to the client during their time with a therapist. In behavior analysis, documentation
involves collecting clinical data that inform the direction of treatment and client outcomes,
including the general treatment progress towards achieving the practice goals (Hartley et al.,
2016). With proper documentation, the therapist cab identify red flags in the treatments,
determine the areas of improvement, and mark critical performance indicators. Also, data
determines and supports clinical decisions.
According to Cooper et al. (2007), documentation is the basis for decision making on the
treatment. When the data is properly analyzed, the therapist can know if there is progress in the
treatment or not. Based on the analysis the practitioner can decide whether to modify the
treatment or not. Example of this data is the amount of requests a student makes to take a break
from work, the time a student spends away from her seat, or the number of times a student bangs
his head. The professional can use the data to maintain continuous and direct contact with the
behavior under study (Cooper et al., 2007).

ENMT 310 Project Three

ENMT 310 Project Three

Scenario and Site Plans




You are to assume the duties of the safety and environmental officer for a large industrial facility located on a river in a medium-sized town, population 23,231. There in a small, non-trauma center, hospital located in town. The local fire department has a Hazardous Materials Response Team trained to respond to chemical releases and spills. You also have a trained Industrial Fire Brigade on-site with first-responder training and equipment.


Your facility produces and ships a product called Methyl-Ethyl-Peanut Butter by rail, highway, and river barge. The product is produced from mixing liquid Acetone, gaseous Sulfur Dioxide, and Magnesium powder. It produces a mixed waste product to be disposed of properly.

Your assignment is to develop an Emergency Action Plan meeting Federal OSHA requirements and an Facility Resonse Plan meeting Federal EPA requirements. You plan must address the minimum requirements of these Federal regulations. Part of the exercise is for you to locate the appropriate OSHA and EPA requirements in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Hint: OSHA regulations are contained in Title 29 of the CFR and EPS’s regulations are contained in Title 40 of the CFR.


You may use your imagination to come up with all the details of your plans, but be sure to address all aspects of potential emergency releases within the facility and potential local and international threats to your facility. You plan must meet, as a minimum, all of the applicable EPA and OSHA regulations.


You may prepare two separate plans or one comprehensive plan to meet the requirements. Once prepared, submit you plan to your assignment folder as you did with Project Two. Use this exercise as if your job depends on it, be comprehensive, but have fun coming up with the means you will save your city. Include response actions from all of the first-responder organizations and resources available to you on and off-site.


The length and format of the plans are up to you. Just make sure you cover the requirements and all expected threats and hazards.


Good luck. Any questions let me know.












Office Building



Rail Line

Storage Tanks

Waste Tanks

Manufacturing Building

Interstate Highway

Entrance Road

Parking Lot



Figure 1- Layout of Plant Facility





QC Labs

Mixing and Production


Shipping & Receiving

Mixed Storage

The manufacturing building contains five mixing/processing tanks connected in-line to the packing machinery. Final packages are moved to shipping and receiving for final distribution. There is a mixed material storage area at the end of the plant as well as offices and quality control labs.


Sulfuric Acid

Magnesium Powder

Mixed Wastes

Finished Product

Tank Contents


Figure 2 – Manufacturing Building Layout

PowerPoint presentation containing at least 10 slides.

PowerPoint presentation containing at least 10 slides.

Imagine that you are presenting to an audience of high school students who are learning about environmental laws. Your presentation should address the need for water quality laws in your area and should describe water quality legislation, including the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and Clean Water Act (CWA).

Feel free to be creative. You are allowed to utilize PowerPoint’s features to create charts and graphics. Please do not utilize the Notes section for your presentation.

Please use at least three sources to support your presentation, and ensure that the citations and references are in APA format. The required title and reference slides do not count toward meeting the minimum slide requirement.

A supervisor observed a registered behavior technician conducting a session

A supervisor observed a registered behavior technician conducting a session

A supervisor observed a registered behavior technician conducting a session in which the technician praised the clients behavior in a timely manner. However, the supervisor also observed that the praise statements appeared rude and repetitious in terms of the technician always saying “awesome” with no apparent enthusiasm and without establishing eye contact with the client or even looking at the client. Additionally the supervisor observed that the client did not appear to be responding to the praise as if it was reinforcing to him.

Briefly describe how the supervisor should address this issue?
The supervisor should address this issue by informing the registered behavior technician that they should try to be as excited and enthusiastic as possible while still being sincere and honest. If this doesn’t work the supervisor should have a meeting with their manager or the person in charge of training. Also, the supervisor should inform their manager or the person in charge of training that they need to work on their training technique because they are not doing it correctly.
Briefly describe remedial action the supervisor could take?
Remedial action the supervisor could take is to send the employee to a training course that would help them with their training techniques. This can be done through sending them to a class or conducting an in-house training with all of the employees. I would also try to get other employees that have been trained to help the employee with their specific training problem because it will be good for them to learn as well. I would try to come up with a plan on how the employee can improve so that we don’t have to send them to a training session.

How would you determine if this is a “can’t” issue or a “won’t” issue for the RBT.
I would determine if this is a “can’t” issue or a “won’t” issue for the registered behavior technician by asking a few questions. The first question would have to be has their training been done correctly? If the answer is yes then this doesn’t make sense because they would obviously be able to do their job properly. Also, if they have taken all the training correctly then the only other thing that can be going on is an attitude problem which would not be an issue because they should already know that they need to do their job properly.

Provide an explanation as to why the quantitative risk assessment method is one of the better methods for evaluating risk for this type of hazard. 

As the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) professional for a manufacturing company, you have just completed the quarterly inspections and have found hazards. Because your resources (both financial and human) are limited, you must complete a risk assessment to determine which hazards have a higher priority for mitigation. Use the quantitative risk assessment method outlined in the unit lesson, and explain why this method is the best choice for assessing the risks associated with the hazards and the purpose of your project. Review each of the hazards identified below, and conduct a risk assessment using the quantified method for risk assessment. Click  here (SEEATTACHED) to access the quantitative risk assessment form, and make certain to include the spreadsheet in the appendices. You may modify the risk level in the spreadsheet to meet your level of acceptable risk. Based on this quantified risk assessment, determine the priority of mitigation. Provide a four-to-eight page report (not including the title page) detailing your findings. The project report should include the elements listed below.

  1. Summarize the steps you used to determine your risk assessments, including conducting a hazard identification inspection.
  2. Provide an explanation as to why the quantitative risk assessment method is one of the better methods for evaluating risk for this type of hazard.
  3. Discuss the results of the findings, including the priority of mitigations for the identified hazards.
  4. Provide a recommendation as to whether the project mitigations are justified using the William-Fine method.




Task or ConditionLOFEDPHNPHRNRisk Level (Before)
Condition #1 – Side acess panel opens with a knob versus a locking device52.56175Medium
TaskLOFEDPHNPHRNRisk Level (Before)
Condition #1 – After installing a locking device on the side access panel.12.56115Low
Risk Levels:
>500Extremely High
>250 and <500High
>50 and <250Medium
>5 and <50Low
Less than or equal to 5

Describe one or more potential solutions for an employee who is experiencing the onset of back pain after working at his or her workstation that primarily requires the employee to work in a seated position.

1.  Consider ergonomic hazards associated with the operation of pneumatic impact wrenches in a vehicle maintenance facility. What could you, as part of the ergonomics team, provide in the way of protection against the work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) that might be associated with the use of such a tool? Include supporting evidence as part of your discussion. (200 words)

2.  Describe one or more potential solutions for an employee who is experiencing the onset of back pain after working at his or her workstation that primarily requires the employee to work in a seated position. Include supporting evidence as part of your discussion. 200 words)

3.  Describe the ergonomic risk factors associated with a sharp edge on a work bench. Include supporting evidence as part of your discussion. (75 words)

Describe hand-arm vibrations (HAVS); what are the long-term issues an employee might have if vibration sources are not corrected? (75 words)